Chapter 19🌹

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We had a short lesson today inside the house but it was cut short since Ren decided to say we should enjoy this day outside because of the heat and sun, it certainly was a beautiful day.

So here we are with daehyun, Joshua and Baekhyun outside in the garden laying down on the grass enjoying the heat of the sun on our skin.

We were in silence for a few moments before Joshua decided to break it by sitting up and using his bigger built body to block the sun from my body creating shade I didn't want.

"I'm bored! Let's play a game!" Joshua

"Well that lasted only five minutes." Baekhyun

I heard his chuckle on the other side of Joshua. Daehyun on my other side sits up, pulling her knees to her chest.

"What Game?" Daehyun

I sighed heavily since now it seems like everyone was sitting up I decided to do the same and sit up but squint my eyes from the bright sun. I wish I brought my sunglasses with me.

"I don't know. Just any thing! I'm so bored, I could die!" Joshua

He falls backwards dramatically, his hand over his forehead as he does. Baekhyun rolls his eyes at Joshuas dramatic self and Daehyun cutely giggles but me, I decided to flick his ear.

He squeals in pain and swats me away and sits up to glare at me.

"Bitch why did you do that?" Joshua

"What's with you and saying the word bitch a lot?"

I asked while I chuckle slightly. He just shrugs at my question and stands up wiping his hands from the grass.

"It's my word of the month. Get use to it because I rather like it." Joshua

I rolled my eyes and stood up with him as Baekhyun and Daehyun did the same.

"What about hide and seek? This garden is big enough so it should be fun?" Baekhyun

That's not a bad idea!!
I love that game.

"Yes!! We'll do that!"

I squeal clapping my hands together to look around at the three of them to see their different reactions.

Daehyun was smiling innocently, while Joshua gave me a weirded out look all the while Baekhyun was blank but staring off at something behind me.

Frowning at his expression I turned around to see seven particular boys walk over.

"What do they want?" Baekhyun

I heard him mumble but I didn't turn around. I was busy eyeing up the seven delicious makes heading our way. There's something different about them, I mean different than before.

Yesterday they were in any of our lessons but instead spent the day with Ren and since this morning one of them were always either beside me or trying to talk to me about something either related to our topic or something completely irrelevant.

Just this time in the garden I thought I had gotten rid of them but I apparently haven't.

"Hey what's everyone doing out here?!" Jimin

He speaks first coming to a stop in front of me with his hands shyly in his pockets and smiling so sweetly as everyone of us but the lingering look he gave me didn't unnoticed.

"We're going to play hide and seek! Want to join us?!" Joshua

I twirled around to give him an 'are you serious?' Look but he just shrugs at me and then goes back to the boys for their response.

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