Chapter 4🌹

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Lunch couldn't come fast enough today. I was starving since I missed breakfast this morning because I was so close to missing my first bus. I mean it would do me absolutely no harm in missing a meal like it would any other human. I can survive without any food as long as I drink blood instead.

I did a little experiment three years ago and I lasted eight months with out human food but caved in because I missed the taste of food. So I know One meal skipped this morning would do no harm what's so ever. But I was hungry either way.

I met up with both Joshua and baekhyun because we had different computing classes. Then we got our food and went to sit at the table on the other side of the lunch hall away from everyone since we keep to ourselves all the time. It's just the three of us eating in peace.

Both boys were bickering because of something that happened at home about Joshuas Xbox. Apparently baekhyun hid one of his games and won't admit it. I personally think baekhyun did hide it because he told me yesterday he was fed up with Joshua staying up all night playing games and can hear him in the next room all night shouting.

"Just admit you stole it baek then I shall give you mercy on your soul." Joshua

Baekhyun scoffs stuffing his face with a melon.

"I didn't steal anything. Maybe you missed placed it?" Baekhyun

He mumbles through his chewed food then gulping it down seconds later. Joshua pouts his lips with a glare on the eyes to the side of baekhyun face. If looks could kill right now baekhyun would be wiped off the face of the earth.

"You did!! Now give it back!! Be a man!!" Joshua

"No I'm innocent." Baekhyun


I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing. If I do I'll be dragged into it and I don't want to. This is between them. I opened my lid of my orange juice and took a sip of my drink but mid way Joshua mentioned my name.

"Y/n! Don't you think baekhyun stole my game?! The NEW one I just got last week." Joshua

He squints his eyes at baekhyun as he in return baekhyun looks at me begging with his eyes not to tell. I knew it. I smiled innocently at them both putting by bottle down on the table.

"I'm not getting involved this is between you two."

I point a the two of them. Joshua groans throwing his head back face palming as he does so. Baekhyun sighs in relief but then straightens up when Joshua looks at him suspiciously again.

"YOU DID DO IT!!" Joshua

"NO I DIDNT!!" Baekhyun


Why can't he just be honest? Joshua is gonna find out sooner or later plus people are starting to stare but knowing these two they won't care if people stare or not. As long as there is no hassle between everyone.

"Okay just stop it now josh! We have to tell y/n of the party coming up next month." Baekhyun

Joshua did a total flip from annoyed to very much excited at the mention of a party, leaning over the table to get a better view of me over Baekhyun form that sat in the middle of us.

"Yes! Y/n you have to come to this one! It's suppose to be amazing and it's at Aeras house! She throws the best parties and it for both vampires and humans. It'll be total awesome!!" Joshua

"Yeah y/n you have to come with us." Baekhyun

I don't know. Parties and vampires just don't mix with me very well. It's like a danger zone, you might as well throw me in front of a bus with no brakes while you're at it.

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