Chapter 48🌹

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Today at school was horrible.

I didn't want to be at school and to see the boys that were my soulmates every day was just painful to see. Although I didn't see all of them, just like yesterday. I only saw Jin and Yoongi at school today, just like yesterday I only saw Namjoon and Jimin who again tried desperately to talk to me but no, I couldn't talk to him let alone even look at him without my entire soul feel like I was burning from the inside. Jimin was so desperate talk to me he even followed me into the girls toilets yesterday and ripped the stall door off the hinges.

My headmaster had to drag him out and send him home with Namjoon since I was told he had broken some shelves in the library out of a burst of sudden rage.

Today wasn't that bad when it came to Jin and Yoongi. When I seen them they would always stare at me as if they wanted to talk to me in some way, to coke over to me. Heck Jin tried but I ran away from him but thankfully he didn't run after me, but I did hear from someone in class after that said that Yoongi burst two holes in two different lockers and then stormed out of school with Jin. So really even with my soulmates at school, they've only lasted half a day each and I've only seen those four. It's only Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook that I haven't seen.

I miss them terribly but I can't give in to it. I just cant and have that risk of them being that same way with me before. If they didn't want me then why fucking mark me then?

So many questions I may never get the answers to.

When school finished today, I got the bus home quietly, I didn't say a word other than to tell Joshua an Baek I would be okay going home by myself at that point at the park. They wanted to come with me to make sure I got home okay but I just told them there was no need and headed home without them.

But when I finally got home I paused in the driveway when I noticed my dad standing at the front door, crouched down with what looks like a screwdriver and keeping a firm hand on the door. What did he do now?

I sighed to myself and walked up to the door, but his back was turned to me and he was cursing to himself loudly until I cleared my throat to get his attention.

My dad gasped, dropping his screwdriver and letting go of the door to stand up and whip himself around me and pull me into his embrace just randomly. I didn't know what to say but I hugged him back surprised by this action by my dad and also so why he's home before me and he usually doesn't when he's got work.

"Erm, good to see you too dad."

I patted his back still confused but at the same time I liked it. It was the sense of safety and love that poured from my dad and I felt like I needed that. I get enough affection from my friends, as they tell me how much I mean to them but when it comes to my dad, it's a different story.

However my dad didn't say anything but caress the back of my head softly and kiss my temple just to then rest his chin on my shoulder.

"It's okay to cry Y/n. I'm right here for you." Dad

I shuttered at my dads soft spoke voice and I just broke down at his words. It was like a wall just broke down within myself, the same wall I put up days ago in the girls bathroom after rejecting my soulmates that still hurts inside every second of every day.

Blinding tears run down my cheeks and I bury my face into my dads shoulder, gripping onto his shirt as if my life depended on it. My dad holds me tightly, just embracing me in his arms as he always has done all my life. He's the number one man in my life that I could always rely on.

I was finding it hard to breath, my throat clogging up as I start to hyperventilate and my legs give out under me but my dad there for me as always caught me. He then picks me up and carries me inside to the living room and sets me down but doesn't let go but to pull me onto his lap like a child and cuddle with me on the sofa, pulling a near by blanket over the two of us.

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