Chapter 43🌹

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(Same morning)

I jolt away with a sharp gasp leaving my lips unexpectedly. I was having a nightmare and it crushed my very soul inside to what the nightmare was about. It was about one of us killing y/n and that we enjoyed it until the life left her body and that's when everything turned worse. I don't even want to think about it.

At the same time I jolted awake both Taehyung and Jungkook did the same and looked around the room gasping for air until we all looked at each other confused.

"Did you both have a nightmare too?"

I asked both of them and they nodded quietly but Jungkook rolled off the bed to stand up and stretch his arms in the air above his head and Taehyung leaned back against the headboard yawning, scratching the top of his head.

A little whimper caught our attention and I looked down at the space between Taehyung and I as Jungkook also quickly spun around at the sound.

There laid y/n sleeping peacefully with a small smile on her face and her bare back on show as she slept on her stomach. She's very beautiful as always but when I look at her I can't help but feel negative towards her, that somehow her beauty disgusts me to the point I don't want to be anywhere near her. I'm torn between hatred and care towards her, I'm so confused about it that it makes me frustrated.

I look up at Taehyung who's just glaring at her with his crimson red eyes, ready as he wanted to kill her right here and now. When he raised his hand above her I grabbed his wrist to stop him and he looks back at me shocked. I shook my head at him and he scoffed at me with the roll of his eyes and got up off the bed to grab his clothes.

I looked over my shoulder to Jungkook who was also glaring at y/n and I know that look in his eyes, he's about to pounce on her and in the next second that's what he did. But in this situation I was quick enough to grab him and push him back to the wall across the room and pin him there by the wrists.

"Jimin. Get. Off. Me." Jungkook

He says dangerously slow and I shook my head.

"No. We're not going to touch her. You and I both know we can't despite how much we want to."

His eyes flicked between me and y/n on the bed, still debating with himself about leaving her or not but eventually groans to then push me away from him.

"Fine. I'll leave her but just this once. I don't give a fuck if she's my soulmate or not." Jungkook

He quickly picks up a pile of clothes that were his and speeds off out the room using his vampire speed and out of site. Taehyung quickly grabbed the door to stop it from slamming now half dressed, only stood there without a shirt on and glares over to y/n, with dark dangerous look on his face.

"I'm so confused. I hate her with every fibre of my body. My heads screaming to tell me to kill her but my heart is saying something else. I don't get it Jimin." Taehyung

"I couldn't agree with you more Tae."

I told him heading over to my own clothes to dress myself. I heard him sighs out of aggression and then leave the room. Now I was alone with her and everything inside me was telling me to go over there and end her life but that small part in my chest was saying don't do it. Don't go there so that very small part of me I listen to, changing my clothes and then leaving to room before I do something I'd regret.

Once out the room I ran down the corridor but then I spotted Butler Choi walking up the stairs and I ran to him and grabbed his wrist to speak with him.

"Butler Choi. Y/n is in Jungkooks room. Get her out of here before one of us do something stupid. It's not safe for her here. Just please."

He doesn't question it and nods but he didn't seem surprised by what I just told him and headed off towards where I came from in a hurry. I did noticed the small pile of folded clothes in his grasp and that made me think that maybe he was already on his way to her?

I don't understand why I did that but that small feeling of care told me to because I had a sense that everyone of my brothers felt the same, it wasn't just me, Taehyung and Jungkook feeling this way.

I wondered down the corridor and came to a stop when I heard Yoongi and Hoseok yelling but Hoseok ended up running right past me going god knows where but he did look angry as I felt.

"Yoongi just come to Namjoons bedroom and we'll all talk about this." Jin

I heard yoongis sarcastic laugh boom through the hallway and I rounded the corner to see Yoongi and Jin standing there with Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Talk? How the fuck can we talk about this? Why does my head say one thing and my heart say another?!" Yoongi

So he's the same?

Namjoons bedroom door opens and there he came out with a frown on his face and red eyes too.

"Let's take this in my bedroom privately." Namjoon

He suggests and I head towards his bedroom door when I seen Jin and Jungkook head inside but Namjoon lingers around his door when Yoongi refused to move.

Yoongi stomps his foot and throws a punch in the air.

"Yoongi. calm down." Taehyung

"Fuck off. Where the fuck is she?" Yoongi

"She's in Jungkooks bedroom. Why?"

I asked him curiously tilting my head to the side.

"Good. She's not fucking leaving this place unless it's in a casket." Yoongi

Somehow I ended up laughing at what he said, finding it very amusing to then walk inside the bedroom with Yoongi and Taehyung just for Namjoon to shut his bedroom door behind him.

"Where did Hoseok go?"

I asked Namjoon but he rolls his eyes and walks towards his bed.

"Where do you think? He's trying to find y/n." Namjoon

Why am I not surprised? And yet I find myself not having a care of something happened to her from Hoseoks hands. I just don't care.

"Well she would be one less problem to deal with if Hoseok ends her when he finds her." Jungkook

Yoongi starts laughing but Namjoon sighs heavily to sit down on the edge of the bed running his hands through his hair.

"I think we need to stay away from her." Namjoon

"What?! Why the fuck do we have to do that?" Yoongi

Now Jin groans also to lean his head back against the wall as he's seated on a stool in the bedroom.

"Because we have to! That's why!" Jin

"You can't tell me what to do! If I want to finish her off then I'll finish her off!" Yoongi

Yoongi stands up from the bed with balled fists already heading to the door and no one tries to stop him and not even myself. I just sit there and watch him but Hoseok instead opens the door and runs inside, eyes burning red and practically steaming in anger.

"She's gone. She's fucking gone!" Hoseok

Everyone else in the room stands up and rushes out the bedroom. I hung back a little bit because I know it's partly my fault i got her out of here. She needed to get out of here. I wanted to hurt her, perhaps even kill her but I knew after what I remember in my nightmare that we would come to regret it when it's too late and that is what I'll hang on to. I'll stay away from her if I have to.

Namjoon is right, we do need to stay away from her. It's for the best.

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