Chapter 65🌹

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I didn't have much to do in this room so I was just quietly sitting here in the bed, sipping on my cup of blood that Jin brought to me earlier and then placing it to the side on the table. Jin did want to stay with me but apparently Jackson was lingering around close by so he had to leave to make Jackson leave the area. To be honest I was nervous that he might find me because that man for sure will kill me if he gets his hands on me. I'm hoping he doesn't.

Thank god I had a book though that Namjoon brought me yesterday but the silence in this room was getting to me. It made the time painfully slow and I hated it especially if I'm not like, angry or something then yeah this would be great but it's kind of lonely in here to be honest. Even if Taehyung did stay with me all night last night and even fell asleep but he had to leave when Jin came in and then he had to leave too. It just sucks here and I feel like a prisoner in a way.

The book however wasn't too bad. It was an adventure filled with mystery that was very intriguing and I wanted to find out what happened to the missing boy in the book who just so happened to leave his home to find the lost jewel that once belonged to his mother a long time ago. The book had me hooked.

The bedroom door abruptly banged open, with a loud thud as it collided to the wall beside it. I flinched and threw book to the side of me, one hand over heart in fright. But what came into my room was Jungkook literally being pushed into the room harshly by Hoseok behind him standing at the door with Namjoon and even Jimin standing there. Jungkook landed on his hands and stomach, growling loudly that he just got pushed into the room. However Hoseok didn't look happy in the least as he entered the room.

"You're staying here with her and that's final." Hoseok

Jungkook jumped up to his feet, balled fists still growling at Hoseok who growled back at him, not willing to put up with his nonsense. I was just confused to what was going on but Namjoon seeing my confused expression comes in to the room, stepping around the angry Hoseok. Jimin lightly pushed Hoseok more into the room to close the door behind them after taking a look outside of it.

"I'm not staying here. I'm going." Jungkook

"No you need to stay here with her. One of at least needs to." Hoseok

The two still looked ready to kill each other and it concerned me slightly. Namjoon came to sit beside me on the bed, picking up my book and putting it to the side.

"Then tell Jimin to stay with her, or you!" Jungkook

Jimin then stepped in between the two, a hand on each others chest to separate the two that we inching very close to each other.

"Just stop it you two. Jungkook you're staying because you're the only one that hasn't seen Y/n since we brought her here. All of us have at least seen her and spent time with her so we have to force you to stay here." Jimin

That is true, out of all seven of them Jungkook is the only one I haven't seen. Even Yoongi came in yesterday to apologise for the way things went down in the bathroom. He felt guilty because I thought he was going to kill me and for how scared he made me feel but everything was all good, in fact he brought me food which also helped too if I have to admit it.

Jungkook growls again, this time towards Jimin who just glares at him back but refusing to move now that Hoseok has become less tense than before.

"So what? I'll come see her in my own time." Jungkook

"You know you're all talking about me like I'm not even here."

I spoke out for the first time. Jungkook spun on his heels to turn around to me with a slight glare, it wasn't the same as the look he gave Jimin or Hoseok just a second ago but it was still there, a very small one. Jimin dropped his hands to his sides and sighs heavily, while Hoseok took the opportunity to walk away from the door and to the end of the bed.

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