Chapter 2🌹

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After school Joshua and Baekhyun suggested going to the park before we head home. Meaning we got on a bus together to where usually they would get off at and go straight home but my house is a little further out so I have to take another bus after this but I cant let them know that. I have to hide it so no one knows where I live and find out my dads a vampire when they think I'm human.

Anyway I texted my dad just to let him know what I was doing. I told him all about Joshua and Baekhyun but haven't met them, though if that were to ever happen my dad and I suggested eye contacts for my dad just in case, but not yet though. My dad was fine as long as I text him every couple 20 minutes just to let him know I'm okay while he's still at work. It's the rules that I stick to so my dad has piece of mind I'm okay.

We were at the swings while Baekhyun pushed me trying to get me to go as high as he could get me and to be honest he pushed me so high that it scared me and I had to beg him to stop. However he found it funny as did Joshua but he did slow it down so I didn't go to high or burst into tears with how high I was going. I hate heights.

"Hey Y/n are you going to tell baek your new, news?" Joshua

I rolled my eyes, my smile completely wiped off my face since I knew where this was going to go and I'm still not happy with it.


"Oh come on just tell him." Joshua

"Tell me what?" Baekhyun

I groan throwing my head back to look up at the sky when my swing was slowing down almost to a stop. Baehyung walked around to the front with his hands on his hips.

"Tell me what Y/n? You can tell me." Baekhyun

I sighed in defeat and used my feet to stop my swing, gripping onto the sides.

"Miss Nan assigned Yoongi to be my math tutor. No questions asked is what she told me."

When I received no response I looked up at him to see he was staring back at his cousin with an angered look and then back to me.

"You're joking right? Not THE Yoongi that pushed you down the stairs, is it? Because I swear to god I'm ready to throw hands!! Vampire royal or not I don't care!" Baekhyun

"Dude this isn't a joke this time. Miss Nan really did say to both of them in class today that Yoongi is to help her with her maths." Joshua


I wish I did now because I doubt I would be getting him as a partner if I did. If I do it now it would just look like I'm lying when I don't want to lie. My life is already all about lies when it comes to my life of living everyday.

"I know, I know I should of listened."

I bowed my head shamefully, lightly swinging back and forth on the swing using my feet on my tippy toes.

"You know what this is Y/n for not reporting it?" Baekhyun

I nod my head since I know what he's going to say. He believes in all that destiny and fate things. Life after death and all that. He's actually very knowledgeable when it comes to vampires and that mate thing that they have. Like my mom was my dads.

"Baek she knows okay?" Joshua

"It's karma Y/n. Karma always comes and bites on you on the ass." Baekhyun

"Yes well I believe you now."

I sighed sadly completely down in my thoughts about why everything has to come and bite me in the butt. Why do I have to have this type of life?

I may sound sorry for myself but I mean what's the point in all this? I have to hide myself for who I am, just so I can live to see another day and so my dad also doesn't get locked up and god knows what else will happen to him. Not only that but all my life I've felt this massive hole in my very soul that's tell me I'm missing something but I haven't got a fucking clue what that is and its tortuous.

"You know what else you can now do Y/n now that you have THE Yoongi has your tutor?" Joshua

He stood up from his swing and walked up to stand next to Baekhyun who was frowning at him while still standing with his hands on his hips.


A smirk appeared on his face suddenly and he picked up his school bag from the floor next to Baekhyuns feet.

"You can finally drool over one of them up close." Joshua

He took off running towards the pond and I stood up shaking my fists at him.

"Yah!! I don't do that!!! Get back here and face me like a man you chicken!!!"

I leaped over to my own bag next to Baekhyuns and ran over Joshua who was sprinting for his life. Gosh he's a fast runner but one thing for sure is so am I. Perks of being half and half but I have to watch my speed so it wouldn't be so obvious.

"Catch me if you can peewee!!!" Joshua

Now making fun of my height. Not cool.

Gasping in disbelief did I pick up my pace, with my bag now properly on my back and behind me I could hear Baekhyun shouting on us to wait up for him but now this Joshua is gonna get it. What makes him think I drool over those vampires. I mean I do, but I'm not obvious, am I?

"Guys wait!! You're going too fast!!!" Baekhyun

I don't think we are but I'm surprised by Joshua's speed. I didn't want to go too fast so I slowed down until I completely stopped for Baekhyun to catch up to me and drop his bag as he was trying to catch his own breath, hunched over with his hands on his knees.

"How are you not out of breath? Holy shit." Baekhyun

I just shrugged with a chuckle and looked around to see Joshua still running away as if I were still chasing him.


He bellows with what breath he has left in his lungs when he stands back up properly. Joshua stopped immediately and whipped around to face us still grinning widely at me and runs back over but this time much more slower than before.

"See Peewee you couldn't catch me if you tried." Joshua

He says once he comes back to ruffle my hair. I swat him away from me with a pout.

"Yeah we'll see about that."

I push him backwards but only for him to take one step back from me laughing.

"Seriously Joshua don't run like that again." Baekhyun

He scolded Joshua who rolls his eyes but to bend down and pick up a stone.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Joshua

He throws the stone to have it skim across the water, making it bounce at least three times. I saw a challenge and dropped my back to pick up a smaller stone and skim in across the water making it bounce four times.

"Oh no. Here we go." Baekhyun

I smirked at Joshua who stares back at the water with his mouth hung open, but then slowly turns into a mischievous grin when he turns back to look at me dropping his bag off his back.

"Oh yeah? Game on then Peewee!" Joshua

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