Chapter 26🌹

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Not long after laying down on my bed and texting my dad back was it when I burst into tears. I couldn't help it but I just felt overwhelmed, though I wasn't alone for long.

Joshua kicked my door in and ran to my side to hug me and swear he was going to kick Jungkooks ass. Baekhyun was pissed also and kept pacing around the room and now and again would throw his hands in the air and cursing the vampire out. However I noticed how Daehyun came strolling in with Bong close by her. I didn't say anything as I was busy balling my eyes out but she came over to my bed side to give me a hug and has been sitting next to me ever since.

Now sat between Joshua and Daehyun on the edge of my bed with their arms around me I started to feel a little better, not a lot but just enough to finally stop the tears.

After wiping my face did I look at Bong who stood right in the centre of the room watching Baekhyun mumbling to himself in deep thought who still paced back and forth across the room with no sigh of stopping. Bong was smiling at him with his hands behind his back watching amusingly.

"You know what's going on don't you?"

I asked Bong directly. However Bong's eyes lit up, taken back by my sudden question. At first he looks at me but then goes to look around the room.

"Bong, I may have known you for only a few days now, but I can tell there's something you're hiding from me. Just tell me."

Again He looks at me and Baekhyun stops his pacing and looks between Bong and I.

"There is something going on. Even I can tell and I cant make sense of it." Baekhyun

See even he thinks there is too and I'm the one that just had to listen to Jungkook get angry, sad and violent and all sorts over something that confuses the hell out of me. I still don't know why he would think I would leave him and say he hates me and everything else.

"There is but I'm not suppose to be the one to tell you." Bong

"Just tell me I deserve to know and who was suppose to tell me?"

Bong then looks at Joshua and then Daehyun, releasing a heavy sigh to look down at his feet almost as if he were in defeat.

"Your soulmates, they were suppose to tell you." Bong

Baekhyun marches over to Bong and pokes him in the shoulder with a harsh jab.

"How do you know she is their soulmate? Are you a stalker?" Baekhyun

"No I-" Bong

"Because I still don't trust you. You seem fishy and theres something about you that's eating away at me." Baekhyun

"Well you'll find out soon enough why wont you." Bong

"What's that suppose to mean? Just come out with it you little-" Baekhyun

"Baek!!! Just come sit down and let him explain." Joshua

Baekhyun stops, looks at Joshua but then back at Bong with a dark glare and then walks backwards to take a seat on a stool close by at the end of the bed.

"Go on then. Tell her what's happening." Baekhyun

Bong roll his eyes but I couldn't help but noticed the smile appear on his face as if he enjoyed the negative attention he was getting from Baekhyun.

"Okay I'll you but I'll have you know this was not part of the plan. They're suppose to explain this to you but Jungkooks behaviour has swirled out of control." Bong

I nodded and just waited trying to be as patient as I could be.

"You know how you look like Ren's mother and your soulmates look like his fathers?" Bong

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