Chapter 75🌹

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Traditionally after every crowning ceremony there's a massive celebration in the ballroom. Everyone was dressed to impress and what not.

After spending pretty much the rest of the day with my mom and dad, we all had to get dressed into now gowns and other fancy outfits. I felt bad that I hadn't seen my friends or seen my soulmates but I was told by Ren that they had company of their own and they were okay. I knew what Ren meant by company so I understood, really I did because I was doing the same thing.

My mom was still here but because we had to go to the ball, my parents attended but stuck together like glue. I thought I would give them some time alone to be with one another before my mom has to go again, whenever that may be.

I was wanting to find Val in this massive people filled ball room but I couldn't find her anywhere. Heck I can't even find my friends. I know my soulmates aren't here yet because there will be a royal announcement for when they enter the room.

I was politely pushing passed people, trying to find someone I'm familiar with but nope. In the end I found a table with chairs around it and took a seat in defeat. Maybe someone I know will come find me?

I don't know so I just sat there alone watching everyone talk amongst themselves. Some would look my way and now their heads and I would just do it back. I guess those that do now their heads and what not probably remember me sitting in the private booth where the royals sit during a ceremony of any kind.

"Hey y/n."

The sound of Baekhyuns voice cut me off and I looked up to my left to see him standing beside me smiling. Although I've never seen him dressed like this before, his dark hair brushed back with gel, his navy blue and gold patterned suit jacket and black pants. I mean this is a total different guy I'm seeing here.

"Hi Baekhyun."

I lightly waved at him after discreetly checking him out but felt guilty in doing so.

"Can I sit next to you?" Baekhyun

I scoffed at his question and pulled out a chair for him to sit.

"Yeah just take a seat."

He nodded and me and sat beside me at the table. I was still facing the crowd of people in the room but I could feel baeks eyes on me. So I turned to face him questioning his reason to stare at me but he just awkwardly smiled at me.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Baekhyun

I knew it.

I knew something was up.

Nodding to him I turned my chair to face him more other than the other people in the room.

"Sure. You can talk to me about anything."

He only laughed nervously and looked down to the floor biting his lip before he took a deep breath and placed one hand to rest on the table.

"I think it's best if I just come out with it." Baekhyun


"Well the thing is, that I'm the reincarnation of Kim somi." Baekhyun

My eyes grew in size and Baekhyun quickly looked away as if he couldn't take to see what my reaction would be. But to be honest I was thrilled. I mean I had suspicions but I wanted Baekhyun to figure it out himself and tell me or just anyone really and finally admit it.

"Baek! That's great! You finally caught on! How long have you known?"

Baekhyuns lips parted in surprise to my reaction and looked back at me scratching at his neck above his collar.

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