Chapter 24🌹

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"This room here was used for when we had dinner parties with close friends and families. As a child we had many birthday parties in this room rather than using the main hall. My mother liked all of us close together, as you know so many children running around causing mischief who knows what could happen, right?" Ren

I chuckled to myself thinking of the possibilities of chaos he must of gone through growing up. I bet it was nice having a big family.

Myself, friends and classmates along with my teachers of course have been strolling around from room to room today as Ren takes the lesson today instead of Mr Go.

Even that Bong Guy was here, he's just been hanging around listening to what Ren was saying all while giving Daehyun some glances while she was would do the same. I tried to tell her to go speak to him or something but she was too shy.

Daehyun and I hung back a little bit from the group but still able to hear everything Ren says. However joshua and Baekhyun were right at the front listening to every word, Joshua dragged Baekhyun up there so he had no choice.

Because we hung in the back that meant not only were we close by Bong, but also the seven vampires in particular. Jimin has been glued to my side, I swear everywhere I move to he's right next to me. Even with Yoongi right behind me always, it's like my personal space being violated but at the same time I'm not complaining about it either. Except I stay far away from Jungkook who keeps shooting me daggers every now and then especially when I begin to walk somewhere, it's like he's ready to pounce on me if I make the wrong move. It's scary, he's scary and it even hurts me inside to think of this way. I can't help but think he hates me and I don't know why?

I just ignore him anyway, the shivers his glare gives him causes my whole body to ache in pain so I try to avoid him as much as I can.

"Now this is a portrait of my aunt and uncle, Kai and Irene. Irene was a close friend, of my mother from school and Kai was once an old boyfriend of my mother also. The pair went to school with her but events happened where while Kai was still human cheated on my mom with Irene but at that point my mom had already met my fathers so she wasn't that heartbroken." Ren

"Beating of my life." Bong

I heard him mumble from somewhere behind me but I don't look at him. I even heard a chuckle come from Jimin.

Okay then?

"That affair however led to the conception of my sisters mate, Bobby who I grew up with to look at him as another brother. All of us children were very close." Ren

"My boy." Bong

This time I turn around to look at bong over my shoulder. He was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed but looking down sadly. But then he looked up to me and forced a weak smile so I could only smile back and turn back around to listen to some more.

"Anyway after the break up you could say Kai had trouble excepting this and for a while took nothing to do with Irene until he met hyeon, the vampire who turned out to be the man who worked for Yoo Yuna, the previous owner of this very house before my mother took it. This house holds history of her death but that's for another time." Ren

That sounds interesting. I've never heard of the name Yoo Yuna before. Hmm.

"Hyeon managed to convince Kai that if he were to work for him in the kidnap my mother he would get her back and Kai obviously agreed. When Kai agreed he was then turned vampire against his will which was illegal then and still is now thank goodness. Once Kai kidnapped my mother she was very ill and his guilt over ran him and he risked his life to escape himself from Hyeon and tell her soulmates of where she was. When she was found her illness was confirmed that she was pregnant with myself and my two brothers and sister. All while that was playing out my dads locked Kai up until they decided his fate." Ren

"Pain takingly slow if you ask me." Bong

Jungkook scoffs harshly and I freeze even when I know it's not anything to do with me.

"Y/n are okay?" Jimin

He whispers in my ear and I nod but I also felt his hand reach to mine gently but slowly in case I were to pull it away but I didn't. I felt the need for comfort within myself and his touch seemed to help.

"My father Jin..." Ren

At the mention of his name serval students turn around to look at Jin who just gave them a blank look and shrugged.

"He thought it was a good idea for him to take place as new advisor since the previous one had passed away. As we talked about the other day, Lee Daehyun. So Kai was appointed new advisor and found that Irene was his soulmate and together they lived in the castle very happily until as they grew a little older wanted a place of their own but still we seen them very regularly, as if they hadn't even left the castle. Irene was a very sweet woman, quiet and very smart. Kai was cocky, smart when he wanted to be..." Ren

"Hey!!" Bong

Now everyone turned to look at the unknown man standing at the back of the room. But bong backs away when he realises his unintentional outburst caused a lot of attention.

"Sorry." Bong

I giggled at him for his outburst I found it funny for reasons I don't know. Ren laughed a little too but then began to speak again.

"Let's just say Kai had his moments but from what I seen growing up he was fun to okay with just as much as my fathers. He even use to call me rennie which I hated." Ren

"Ha! You'll always be Rennie." Bong

Seriously do bong and Ren know each other more than I think?

"So with that said the couple played a big role in not only my own but my mothers life and my fathers." Ren

He smiled at everyone and was ready to leave the room when another student put up their hand.

"Yes?" Ren

He points out to the student.

"Could I ask do you know which father was your real one? Like your biological one?"

Rens face lit up and walks over to another portrait across the room gazing up at it fondly with his large smile.

"This man right here, Hoseok." Ren

He points to the man in gold and black suit standing next to his wife that was in the centre, sharing the same beaming smile as Ren was showing right now. But then I turn to the other side of Jimin to look at the Hoseok that's standing with us now.

He was just staring at the picture in awe but also as if he was trying to make sense of things in his own mind ignoring the people that turned around to look at him.

"Excuse me but isn't that a little weird to see someone else that looks exactly like the men you grew up to know as your dads?"

"Actually no. I find it rather refreshing to see their faces in person again. Now shall we head into the next room?" Ren

Ren smiles and points towards another door to the right of him and heads through with everyone following.

In my pocket I felt my phone vibrate which could only be my dad.

After what happened two days ago when he came bursting in all blaze and glory we had a talk about some things but I'm to keep my phone on me at all times. So when he texts I need to respond so he knows I'm safe and I am so I text him back to say I'm fine and then put my phone away back in my pockets all the while Jimin keeping a firm hand on my other hand.

When I put my phone away walking into the next room did I glance at the other boys who were smiling away but yet not Jungkook. He glares at me with this darkened look and I want to confront him but something is telling me deep inside to not do that yet. It's not the time or place.

I will find out what his problem is with me one way or another, but when? Is the question.

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