Chapter 77🌹

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(Ten years later)

Ten years passed by in a blur. Like literally where has the time gone?

Ten years ago I gave birth to two girls and a boy. One girl we named Jia who just so happens to be fathered by Jimin and then the second girl Sakura was fathered by Jungkook. Both girls were named after my mother in both lives, the first and the second. Jia was born first then Sakura so that left little Taemin to be the third child and was just like his father, Taehyung. He's my little guy, glued to my hip but he's getting bigger now as the oldest boy and wants to prove a point to his younger siblings he's not to be messed with even if his older sisters constantly pick on him. He takes it well though I'll give him that.

Three years after the triplets were born I made a big decision to have four more at one time. I didn't want to go through four more pregnancies so I thought to make it fair that we just all have four more at once. It was so fucking hard to do, definitely put me off anymore but seven was enough for me and that's it. No more.

My soulmates wanted more but no, I put my foot down. I'm done having more children.

Out of the four there was two girls and two boys. They literally came out boy, girl, boy then girl. The boys had a hell of a laugh about it but given I was giving birth at the time it was no fun for me.

First was Jiho, yoongis son and my fourth child. Then second was Haewon, Namjoons daughter and my fifth child. That led to Sungjin, fathered by Jin. Let me just say that sungjin was born with in two minutes of Haewon being born. It was no joke I didn't even have time to hold Haewon before Sungjin decided to make a dramatic appearance following his older sister which he still does by the way. He follows her around everywhere. Where ever Haewon is it's guaranteed Sungjin is there too. It's very adorable. Then lastly my little bubble of sunshine, my youngest baby is Haebaragi which means sunflower, the brightest flower there is. But we call her Hae for short. Thankfully Haewon and Haebaragi don't get mixed up when it comes to calling their names. Hae carries her father Hoseoks same bright personality and being the youngest she tries to make sure that everyone is at their happiest. It was cute when one day Yoongi was having an off day so Hae made him a picture that she made him with her crayons. In fact Yoongi still has the picture framed and hung on the wall in our shared bedroom that I share with my now seven husbands.

Yes that's right.

We got married when the triplets were one years old. It was so beautiful and I had my dad to walk me down the aisle and i shared a dance with all my husbands and the kids since they just started walking a t the time and Jia wanted to dance the most out of all of them. Come to think of it, thinking back Jia was dancing with Jimin the most, some father daughter moments for sure.

All my husbands share a special bond with each child, but never do they treat the other more differently just because they share different fathers. No, it's all fair in this household.

Speaking of household, everyone still lives with us. Bong and Daehyun got married five years ago. Baekhyun and Joshua just got engaged three years ago but are still planning since they're not in a rush. They have forever to plan this wedding as Baekhyun keeps saying because now that he's a witches apprentice and soon to be a master himself he knows the potion to stay immortal now like Val does currently. So Baekhyun and Joshua will be with us for a very long time since I am sticking to my promise by drinking the blood of my soulmates.

When I first started I thought it was going to be disgusting but it's not. It's actually very sweet, almost like drinking liquidised candy. It's weird to explain but the sweetness helps a lot. Daehyun doing the same thing with bong also said the same thing. We figured it must be something to do with the soulmate thing since Joshua tried it out of curiosity and he said it tasted bitter and disgusting. So that only proved what we thought.

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