Chapter 79🌹

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(Eight years later)

All the kids are in high school now.

It was the first day for the youngest four in freshman and it was also the first day of senior year for the older three. It only seems like yesterday that myself had husbands were in senior year when we met. It was eighteen years ago yet I still look like I haven't aged a day just like my husbands. It's kind of a laugh to be honest and now that my friends, Daehyun, Joshua had Baekhyun all don't age either we make jokes about it since we aren't full vampires.

Because it was the kids first day back at school and officially all seven kids were in high school let's just say that everyone but me was a mess all day. My husbands were all over the place not knowing what to do with themselves but I say they're just over exaggerating about all this. They were perfectly fine when they all attended the last school but now I think it's personally because it's making them realise that the kids aren't babies anymore.

It's a hard fact to swallow watching them grow up into adults but I couldn't be prouder of the teenagers they turned out to be. They're well mannered, responsible and don't go out partying like normal teenagers do. They're very good kids.

Because there was chaos in the castle today bong and Daehyun decided to take a trip to the supermarket for some shopping. I think they just used it as an excuse to get away from my sulking husbands. Then Baekhyun and Joshua were currently at Hanuel and Vals farm. Apparently they missed the fresh farm air and needed to have a getaway but I think Baek being himself he knew that my husbands would be like this and they all abandoned me to deal with this.

I was actually in the Libary reading when Namjoon suddenly came in and picked me up in his arms and ran across the castle all the way back to the office and placed me on the couch with Hoseok and Taehyung in each side of me. Jungkook was standing in front of the fireplace and Yoongi was sitting in the chair behind the desk with his feet up on the wood. Namjoon didn't tell me why he took me here but I didn't have a chance to ask when Jin and Jimin came rushing in holding a book in jins hands. He was waving it around in the air above his head and his eyes were bulging out of his head and Jimin just had his hands in his pockets looking at annoyed and didn't even look at me but to the floor as he walked over to the alcohol to pour himself a drink.

"We need to talk about this!! It's a matter of life and death!!" Jin

Jin slammed the book on the coffee table in the middle of the room. I leaned over my legs to ready the gold writing in the front of it. My eyes widen when I seen the words and gulped nervously.

"Hyung why do you have jia's diary?" Jungkook

He raised a brow at Jin and that set Jin off by pacing back and forth in the room in front of the desk. Yoongis eyes following the angry vampire pacing quickly side to side.

"I have my reasons Jungkook. Jimin and I were just checking on some things and we came across this book. Actually correction! Jimin did and we read it and you'll never guess what we found out!" Jin

I looked over my shoulder to look at Jimin. It surprised me that I seen Jimin press his hand flat against the wall and repeatedly bang his head off the wall, squinting his eyes as he does so.

"Jimin you read her diary didn't you?"

Jimin stopped and turned to me, his nose was scrunched up and his hands were balled up in fists but he nodded.

"Yes and I wish I didn't. My eyes are stained with sins and I can't look at my little girl the same again." Jimin

I laughed at him and turned back around to look around at everyone. Jin stood there by the end of the coffee table, hands on his hips and tapping his foot.

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