Chapter 12🌹

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Tonight was party night.

Joshua and Baekhyun convinced me to go so I first went to their house and we pretty much got ready together as if we were all girls but I got changed in the bathroom of course. I wore the red dress that Baekhyun told me to buy last time we were at the mall.

My dad knows I'm here since I told him I was having a sleepover at their house. My friends and my dad have seen each other now but over Skype or have spoken over the phone. They actually get on really well so my dad was okay with it but again same rules apply. I have to text him if I feel in anyway in danger though my dad doesn't know about the party. That's a secret. I feel bad lying about it but I know he wouldn't let me go if he knew the truth.

So the three of us went to the party which I was so nervous about since it was suppose to be a big deal and never have I done anything like this before. It almost scares me but after having drinks it calmed my nerves.

While drinking we found ourselves speaking to that girl from class, Daehyun I think her name is. She's actually very quiet but the more she drank the more talkative she became. She was actually really nice and we got on straight away, like we just clicked. I don't know why I didn't speak with her before?

Joshua and Baekhyun ended up disappearing somewhere after we got more drinks I think it was something about dancing and I thought that was a great idea too and I dragged Daehyun to the dance floor with me just to run off some energy that these drinks were giving us.

I've drank alcohol before but never this much so it was all new to me.

Holding onto Daehyun by the hands did we dance together while laughing our heads off when she started to act goofy with her dancing so I could resist in doing the same and humiliate myself in doing so from the weird looks we would get. But I didn't care and neither did Daehyun but then I needed a pee so I told her I'd be back in a moment and she was okay with that responding with a nod and continued to dance away with the music.

I pushed through a few people that were dancing to go find the bathroom. I didn't have a clue where it was but I ended up stumbling up the way in a stair case I suddenly found. No clue how but I did. My vision at this point wasn't exactly great just very blurry and it made me dizzy also. A nap would be nice.

But no! I needed to find the bathroom for a pee then join Daehyun and see also if I could find those two friends of mine that have gone missing somewhere in the huge house of people. This girl seriously has money. Well her family does anyway.

I trekked my way through the long hallway opening every door I could find on my way just to find the bathroom. Most of them were bedrooms either occupied with couples or just empty. I didn't care though all I wanted was the bathroom.

But then at the end of the hall I seen someone familiar, someone I so desperately wanted to be with but was scared of him at the same time. He stood there staring at me, watching me walk towards him with a large grin on my face. I was actually feeling really happy to see him.

"HOBIIIIII!!!!! Be a dear and tell me which door is the bathroom if you pleaseeeeeee!!!"

I battered my lashes at him and I swear I almost seen him smile for the first time ever. If only he smiled more he would look even more gorgeous.

He points to the door on his left but opens it for me and I stumble over my own feet prepared for impact to the floor but a pair of hands wrapped themselves around my waist and caught me.

"Be careful y/n." Hobi

He helped me to stand on my feet and I tap the side did his face smiling away at him.

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