Chapter 15🌹

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Two weeks passed by and that led to today where we finally take the trip to the Yoo house.

We headed to school with our bags with enough things to last two weeks. I just hope my dad is Aoki while I'm gone but I'll still be able to text and call him as much as I'd like and that will be every day. I've never been away from him longer than one night and that was when I went to that party weeks ago.

Since then things changed slightly.

Not a lot but just a little.

Daehyun started to hang around a lot more with the three of us and I have to say it's like the three of us had known each other all our lives. It was just perfect. It felt complete.

The seven vampires in particular were a little more talkative than they use to be. More like they say hi in the halls and smile at me from a distance. It was friendly, anyway. I still have those study sessions with Yoongi and Taehyung since there's been a massive improvement in my maths which Miss Nan is really happy about.

Besides all this, I still find this longing to all of them, to be closer but I force my distance to them because I'm still unsure about all of them. I no longer have to wear my sling which is a good thing. Especially now that the trip is finally here.

On the bus we choose to sit close to one another. Joshua and Baekhyun together and then just in front of them Daehyun and I sat together.

I noticed how the seven boys that have seemingly so stolen my heart in some weird way, have chosen to sit right at the back of the bus. But when the bus began to drive off to the destination did I sometimes find one or two staring at me when I turned around to speak to either Joshua or Baekhyun. Sometimes they would look away or sometimes just stare back with no expression to show what they were feeling when they were caught.

After some time I found myself to have fallen asleep on the bus. I tend to do that sometimes in car or bus journeys. It's just a habit I've always had for as along as I can remember.

In the end when the bus finally reached our destination Daehyun woke me up. It seemed weird and familiar as if I had done this before but why I couldn't put my finger on it. Yawning I stretched my arms up but only to end up leaning to far back in my seat and smacking Baekhyun in the face.

He yelped in surprised and I quickly turned around to apologise as he stood up covering his eye.

"Baek I'm so sorry!"

I stood up after him but he waved me off.

"It's okay. I'll live y/n. Let's just get off this bus." Baekhyun

Without another word I stood up and with Daehyun and Joshua following close behind did we all walk off the bus together. Though when I looked behind Joshua I noticed the smirk on Jimins face. I hope that wasn't because he seen what I did to Baekhyun.

Everyone gathered in a group together when Mr Ho began to do another head count to make sure everyone was off the bus. Some guy in a grey jumpsuit was helping the bus driver take the luggage off the bus but when the man looks at me he freezes mid way with a suitcase in one hand and bend down in a uncomfortable position. His eyes flashed red, staring right at me. I began to get uncomfortable to I pressed myself against Joshuas side in bid to get a way from the weird guy that was staring at me. That was until Namjoon stood in the way with his back to me but facing the direction of the stranger that once did stare at me weirdly.

Thank god for that if you ask me.

I mentally thank Namjoon and Mr Go and another teacher Mr Kim signalled for everyone to proceed to the front of house while our bags would be later taken to our already assigned rooms. I already know I'm sharing with Daehyun.

As we walked I ended up linking arms with both Daehyun and Joshua all the while taking in the view of this beautiful mansion that looked well looked after given its age and that it's been passed down for many years. Well meaning king Ren took it as his home I guess after he stepped down from reigning king. Not a bad choice may I add.

The house was bigger than I thought and I loved it. It gave me the sense of warmth to it. Like the feeling you get when you enter a family members home and just know that you're in safe hands, that you can be yourself and it's doesn't matter what anyone says.

I think I'm gonna like it here.

Mr Go was the first to approach the door and knocked hard enough for anyone on the other side of the door to hear but they should right?

I mean I heard it's mostly vampires that work here and live here so they should be able to hear the human heart beats standing at their front door.

Moments later the large door opens and reveals a beautiful woman, long light brown colours hair that hung down her back, and smiles brightly at Mr Go with a little excited squeal and doesn't waste a moment in embracing the man in a warm hug. Well she's definitely friendly isn't she?

"Oh! Fantastic you're all here! Mr Go, it's a pleasure to finally meet you!!" ??

She steps back from my teacher who was now blushing and coughing awkwardly clearing his throat.

"Y-yes, it's nice to meet you too your highness." Mr Go

Her nose scrunched up a little bit but then starts to giggle.

"Oh please, don't call me that it's just weird nowadays. My names Jewel, so please first name basis would be perfect."


Behind me I felt the presence of the group of seven stepping up behind me but I stay close to Joshua side and still holding onto Daehyun also.

The beautiful woman steps aside to allow everyone in opening the door wider for more space and slightly bowing her head in welcome in everyone. But when it came to my turn in passing her I swear she gasped so loudly I thought she was going to faint front the lack of oxygen to her lungs even if she was a vampire.

I wanted to ask if she was okay but then she snapped out of her gaze on me when Yoongi came forward with a dark glare and arms crossed. Again she was taken back by his appearance and stared at him, then Jin and then Taehyung. As everyone walked in she stood almost like a statue but then once everyone was inside the large house she gracious gathered herself and closed the door.

She cleared her throat and began to speak again.

"My husband is currently busy right now but we will be joining us all for dinner later this evening. Butler Park here...." jewel

Points to the man suddenly appearing out of nowhere, wearing a black and white suit and tie comes forward, bowing to her and then towards everyone else in the room with a warm smile.

"Will show everyone their assigned rooms and a little tour around the house. You never know you might find something interesting." Jewel

She looks right at me as she said that. I was taken back by her action to say that while looking at me but then I remember that myself and seven others in this room look like her in laws. Of course she'll be a little strange at first but if she's like this, what will king Ren be like?

"It was lovely to meet everyone but I must go see what my husband is up to. I'll see you all this later on this evening." Jewel

She bows her head again and then swiftly walks away down the opposite hallway but looking over her shoulder at me every so often until she disappears around a corner.

Now we were all left with this butler Park who so happened to be staring right at Jin. And I mean dead in the eyes until Jin growled lowly at him with crimson red eyes which forced the butler to suddenly bow.

"My apologies. Now this way and I'll show everyone to their rooms." Butler Park

He hand gestures towards a large stair case to the side of the room. One I'm just noticing since I was fully focused on the that woman before. She has that warm, familiar glow about her but I couldn't figure it out.

With what butler park says we follow him up the stairs and he shows all of us our rooms. But really all I can think about was the look on jewels face when she seen me. It doesn't leave my mind, I bet this is going to be so weird to her and her husband.

I know it will be for me but it won't stop me from being eager to learn about his family. That's my mission.

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