Chapter 63🌹

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"Why the fuck is she not waking up Namjoon?!"

"Just calm down Taehyung the sedative wouldn't of hurt her. She'll wake up." Namjoon

"She better or I'll end you Joon." Taehyung

"You know its pretty insulting that you think I would hurt her on purpose." Namjoon

"You did it once before." Taehyung

"So did you?!" Namjoon

"I hurt her by accident!" Taehyung

Their constant bickering woke me up from a peaceful sleep yet as I wake up more I feel more groggy with a sore head. I groaned at their voices to shut up and rolled over to my side and pulled the covers over my head.

"There she's awake, happy now?" Namjoon

"Yes very, thank you very much." Taehyung

I mentally rolled my eyes but I felt the bed sink down behind me and a hand on my shoulder that made me open my eyes now fully awake from the pull of our soulmate bond that wants me to turn around and hug which ever soulmate this was.

"Y/n, we know you're awake. Can we talk to you please?" Namjoon

I hummed and rolled over to face whoever it was, comforted by the warm covers. I was curious to why they took me from school and the way the did it but the sheets themselves were very comforting, or it could just because I'm in their presence for the first time in a while that makes my body also feel relaxed now to know that I'm okay. But then I remember he injected me and I thought Yoongi was going to kill me.

My eyes widen and I sat up quickly which made Namjoon flinch back from how fast I sat up and I glared at him for what he did.

"Why the hell did you inject me with whatever that shit was?" Namjoon

Guilt crossed his face and he looked down to his hands on his lap with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry but we wanted to take you away without a fuss or creating attention." Namjoon

"Yeah well Jungkook and Jimin caused up a fuss though in the halls." Taehyung

Tae scoffed and steps closer with his arms crossed over his chest, frowning at Namjoon who rolls his eyes at him.

"You would of too if you were there. It's bad enough I had to do it and Yoongi scare her like that. It took everything for us to take those two away but its fine now." Namjoon


The two looked at me as if for a brief second they forgot I was even here.

"Oh, erm, just before you passed out Jungkook kicked off and that set of Jimin too and so the rest of us...." Namjoon

"Including me!" Taehyung

He butted in holding up a hand just so Namjoon could glare at him for interrupting.

"We got them out of school before too much attention was made. Thankfully it was only vampire students that caught us leaving." Namjoon

"Yeah and they wouldn't say a word if they know what's good for them." Taehyung

Namjoon nods firmly with a clenched jaw and glances at Taehyung quickly and then back to look at me again.

"Okay? But where am I? Why did you take me from school?"

I looked up at Taehyung who just blankly stares at me, arms still crossed over his chest before he breaks the eye contact first.

"Because we want to keep you safe from Jackson. We cant have him finding out about your......condition so we brought you here with us so we can keep an eye on you at all times." Namjoon

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