Chapter 53🌹

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Well after spending all day with Daehyun and just basically speaking about everything which there were some up and downs in our conversations but other times were good. It was just great overall that Daehyun was awake which is such a big relief that she is now confirmed to be okay with no damage to her brain.

But in the end we all had to go home. My dad dropped of Joshua and Baekhyun at home and then we drove back home. I guess it was nice to get away from this town even if it were just for the weekend. It was just something I needed I guess but the familiarity comes back just looking at my house. I remember of when my soulmates came to pick me up for our date that pretty much lasted almost the whole weekend until we all had to go home due to school being on the Monday.

That was peaceful times but I rejected them so to think that we could have those times again just seems impossible right now.

My dad got out the car after parking in the drive way just to grab out bags from the back but when he noticed I haven't yet walked in yet he stops by my side of the car and peering in through the window.

"Are you coming in?" Dad

I snapped out of my trance and I nodded, opening the car door and stepping out the car just to close it again and my dad to lock it up. I just stood there just to feel numb as I do just being here again. I still want to move, I haven't forgotten that and I'm sure my dad hasn't either.

"Dad when can we move?"

I asked him now slowly following him to the front door of the house, pulling out the house keys to slide into the front door that he managed to fix before we left two days ago. He weakly smiles at me where as I held as serious look on my face. I was dead serious about moving somewhere far from here, I think it would be best if we did.

"Are you sure that's even something you want to do Y/n?" Dad

"Yes. I'm one hundred percent serious about it."

My dad slightly frowns and nods once just to turn away and twist the key in the lock, unlocking the door as he does.

"You'll regret it Y/n if we move away." Dad

I quickly shook my head in denial.

"No I wont. I need this dad. Just to get away from here, from.....from....."

I looked down in defeat to my own words. It hurts to even talk about this. Only did I look back up when I heard my dads long heavy sigh.

"See what I mean? You cant even talk about them without hurting. If you truly meant what you said about the rejection then you wouldn't feel anything at all and just living here and seeing them every day would have no affect on you Y/n. Trust me, you'll be worse if we move." Dad

My dad glances at me for a moment watching me react by scrunching up my nose and shaking my head in complete denial. He then pushes the front door open with the bags in hand and steps inside with me quickly following him inside.

"Is that a no? Are you telling me we can't move? Because I don't want to be here anymore."

My dad drops the bags to his feet as I glare to the back of his head.

"Look Y/n you will only want to come back here to moment we leave. I've been through this before with your mother and trust me it sucks bu-" Dad

My dad suddenly stops mid sentence. His shoulders tense and his hands ball up in to fists by his sides. Then my dad starts to step around the room in circles looking around us as if he was searching for something. My dads eyes were pure red which is something that doesn't happen often unless he's angry or has been drinking blood which is clearly not what he's doing right now.

"Dad, what's wron-"

"Shhh!!" Dad

He abruptly stops me from speaking, holding out his hand in signal to stop still scanning the room with the deepest frown on his face. Then in the next second my dad rans off somewhere in the house, I could hear his fast steps run around the ground floor of the house, through the kitchen, opening cupboards and the downstairs bathroom door then through to the living room and even so much as to stick his head up the fire place from what I can see him to through the doorway and then runs over to me just to open the closet door and scan inside the dark little space.

"Dad what are you doing? What's wrong?"

He holds his finger up to his lips, signalling me to be quiet yet again but doesn't look at me. He then looks up at the ceiling with a growl soon to follow and runs up the stairs leaving me here confused to why he's acting this way. What's wrong with him?

I've never seen him act this way before.

I followed him up the stairs, running after him just to find him in my room. His nose tilted in the air sniffing the air around us like a blood hound on a hunt. He threw my pillows off my bed and onto the floor, then also lifts my bed sheets and then opens my wardrobe and drawers. He was acting insane looking for something.

Then he did something really weird and drops to the floor, laying belly flat on the carpet with hands pressed firmly down as if in the push up position and begins to smell the carpet. Like what the hell?

"Dad!! Why are you smelling the carpet???"

Now he's starting to freak me out.

He only ignores me and now crawls along the carpet still sniffing away until it lead him to me window on the far end of the room. He bounced back up to his feet and glares out the window while I just watch him but as I did something like a shiver crept up the back of my neck. I couldn't describe it but something about my bedroom just

Dad then lets out a loud growl before he speeds off to me, lifting me over his shoulder in one quick movement and runs the both of us out the house, picking up the two bags in one hand and running back to the car unlocking it and putting me inside on the passenger seat.

"Put your seat belt on now. We're leaving." Dad

He slams the car door on me and I had no choice but to listen to him and put my seat belt on while he uses his vampire speed to go back to the house, lock it and throw the bags in the back seat of the car and come back to the driving seat and start it up all within the matter of seconds and begin to drive away from the house yet again.

I've never seen my dad move so fast before and the glowing red eyes in constant glitter and the clenching of his jaw and firm grip on the steering wheel told me something was wrong.

"Dad where are we going? What's happening?"

He continues to stare at the road ahead almost speeding which alarms me more since my dad has always been a careful driver.

"We're going to stay at Ren's house until further notice." Dad


He aggressively licked his dry lips and rolled his shoulders back before he spoke of something that left me almost speechless with fear and even more confusion.

"Someone was in your room." Dad

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