Chapter 16 🌹

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It was now the evening and everyone gathered in the dining hall like Butler Park showed us all earlier in the day after we found our rooms that we would be staying in for the next two weeks. I have to say I'm very excited about this place, it makes me unknowingly happy to be here. I even found myself and Joshua skipping down the corridor all the way here to this dining room, that by the way had one very long table in the centre with so many chairs.

It was pretty cool but then I have to remind myself that King Ren did have a large family so that would be the case to why there would be such a long table with so many chairs, not that I'm complaining.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves and I was with Joshua, Baekhyun and Daehyun of course. I sat in the middle of Joshua and Daehyun and Baekhyun sat on the other side of Joshua. I was talking to Daehyun about the huge chandelier above us I never seen anything like it to be honest but then when Joshua started repeatedly tapping leg in excitement it seemed like he was eager to see this Ren guy as I was it's just he was having a hard time controlling it than I was. I could hide it better. I don't know why but I was very excited to seeing this man in person.

"Oh! Y/n I cant wait to see King Ren. Oh my gosh, I'm so fangirling right now!" Joshua

He tapped his cheeks while I laugh at his behaviour when he looks at the double doors eagerly not wanting to miss a single moment in case the time comes for Ren to walk through those doors with his wife.

"Dude, your a boy. Don't you mean you're acting like a fan boy?"

Joshuas brows lift in realisation and chuckles in a way I haven't heard him do before, like uncertain?

"O-Oh yeah. But anyway he's coming through those doors any minute now!" Joshua

Again he repeatedly taps my leg and I laugh at him with a roll of my eyes.

"Dude, calm down. I think I heard Mr Go say they'll be here soon." Baekhyun

I heard him say from the other side of Joshua trying to settle the guy beside me. it's weird because Ive seen Joshua excided before but never this excited.

"I'm looking forward to seeing him too. Strange isn't it?"

I heard Daehyun whisper but I don't know if that was meant to be heard but when I looked at her she was eagerly watching the door smiling sweetly like she didnt want to miss anything. Are we weird or something but it seems as though we're the only ones in the room excited to see Ren come through those doors.

But then in the empty seats across from us did seven particular boys sit in front of us with Hoseok sitting directly across from me who passed me a sweet smile with a wave and sits in his chair. Jimin sits across from Daehyun, while Namjoon takes a seat on the other side of Hoseok and Taehyung in front of Baekhyun. I just smiled at all of them, not really thinking much of it to be honest since they don't give me any trouble like they use to.

The doors then suddenly open catching everyone's attention and for a moment there was a pause in the atmosphere as everyone stood up. I know they're not king and queen anymore but it was matter of showing respect, they did invite us into their home.

Then as if in slow motion did a couple, arm in arm walk into the room, both smiling ear to ear, while Jewel was whispering into the mans ear with what could be heard as a giggle to accompany it. They both looked happy together even after spending all these years together, it was lovely to see. I felt so much happiness towards them and yet pride swelled by heart. I don't understand it but they way they looked at each other walking in, only paying attention to each other as if only the two of them exist to each other in the room. They were in love and I was content in watching them, until suddenly the man stopped walking, coming to a halt in his steps yet his wife didn't seem to mind.

The man then suddenly whipped his head to look right at me. I flinched back as his sudden action startled me, how did he even know where I was standing when he was fully focused on his wife?

Complete silence took over the room as the man stared completely at my face, deep in concentration his eyes searching me and I felt a little uncomfortable at first but the longer he stared the more I didn't mind. Weird right?

The mans eyes became a little teary but Jewel caressed his face sweetly as if to comfort him in some way but all I feel upon seeing that is to rush over to the stranger and hug him. I don't know why but I want to make sure he's okay since he became suddenly emotional. But that didn't last long when a low growl came from Jimin, making the man turn his attention from me towards Hoseok, but instead smirked with a chuckle after looking him up and down and then walks to the other end of the room with Jewel still clinging on his arm.

"What was that about?" Joshua

I shrugged and lightly shook my head but again at the top of the table now where the man stands, wearing his smartly grey suit and black tie. His black thick hair brushed back and his sharp jaw line, he looked very handsome.

"I have no clue."

I whispered back to him but then looked across the table at Hoseok who was watching the mans every move, but something glistening in his eyes. Something is going on here. But what?

"Welcome everyone to the Yoo house. As you already know my wife, Jewel, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Ren and please you don't have to call me king, my first name is fine just like Jewel has told you all before. Hope you all have a nice time here and create many memories here, as I have." Ren

Again after he looks around the room at everyone his sights are back to me but this time smiles so wide I was afraid his face was going to crack or something.

"So please, everyone sit and enjoy yourselves." Ren

With that said he gestures for everyone to sit back down in their seats and then a number of what looked like maids and butlers walked in through the double doors and began to serve everyone. I'm not use to this at all, but it's okay I guess.

The rest of the evening everyone was speaking among themselves and even so much as to take up conversation with Ren since he seemed like a pretty easy going guy, nothing to be scared off but yet every now and then when I looked at him I found that we would just stare at each other.

I found myself feeling so desperately wanting to get up and speak with him, touch him or even just to me near him and I could tell he wanted to do the same, by his body language and how his face was never facing me. His front was always in my direction.

I defiantly want to speak with this man. I could feel it in my very soul that I should spend time with this stranger.

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