Chapter 39🌹

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It's the first day back at school from the weekend date with my soulmates. I can actually call them my soulmates now after they marked me and it's still hard to believe.

I'm still a little wobbly around the legs because they literally fucked me all night and to be honest I'm thankful that I'm on the pill though. My dad insisted two years ago that I start taking it or god knows what the other night would of resulted in.

Coming back to school knowing there would be vampires here made me nervous because they would be ale to tell straight away by my scent that I'm marked even if I do hide my marks on my neck. I'm scared to what they would say because of the things that were already said about me before I was marked.

I told Joshua and Baekhyun all about it and I agreed to meet up with them in class but first things first that was to go to my locker and grab a few things I needed such as my English book and my homework I did in advance for physics. It needed to be handed in today so ignoring the stares I was already getting to from vampire students I kept to myself and opened my locker in the corridor and took out what I needed for the first two lessons which were English and physics.

After putting my belongings away in my bag did I close my locker with a heavy sigh and turn around to walk away but I was suddenly grabbed and spun back around to be pinned to the locker and a pair of lips attached to mine. It happened to fast that it took a moment to fully process what was happening.

Then I realised I was kissing someone in the corridor for everyone to see. Opening my eyes again did I lightly push the person away to stop kissing me and look up at the person.

"Tae, people are staring at us."

I stated looking around at the people behind him who were in deed staring at us. Some out of shock and others were giving me dirty looks of disgust.

"So? Let them stare. You're mine." Taehyung

He goes to kiss me again but I push him back a little as I stared at someone who was scowling at from across the hall with the dirtest look I've ever gotten. Taehyung frowns at me actions don't follows my line of sight and then growls at the person for looking at me in such a disrespectful way.

"If you value you're life keep fucking walking." Taehyung

The guy that was staring at me goes pale in complexion and quickly turns around to walk away quickly. Taehyung then looks around his shoulders at everyone around us that was watching us and gates at everyone with his red eyes.

"Problem?" Taehyung

He asks everyone because the corridor scatters and everyone ignores us so they didn't have to face the wrath of Taehyung when he's pissed. I do have to say it was amusing to see him like that and when he looks back to me giving me his fully attention his eyes turn back to brown and smiles innocently as if he didn't look like a raging bull a moment ago.

"See, no one is watching." Taehyung

Again he kisses me and gently caresses my cheek as he does so for his fingers to then trace down my jawline and to my neck just to stop by my shoulders. As he done so he pulled away from the breath taking kiss that I was getting into so much.

When I opened my eyes he was glaring at my shoulder with his red eyes. I know what he was looking at and what he was thinking. The memory of when they seen my scars on my shoulder and neck came flooding back.

Half way through having sex with Yoongi, Namjoon was the first to point out my scars. We had to stop so I could explain what happened and since then the vowed to find out who did that to me and apparently they take their vows very seriously.

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