Chapter 1 🌹

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A fast month has passed by since my first day here at this school. I wish I could say it's been great but sadly it has not. Those seven boys that were staring at me as if they hated me at assembly on my first day still look at me like that even with more hate in their eyes now that they have also become my bullies.

They call me names and even so much as one of them pushed me half way down the stairs but luckily that was a good day because I made my only friend after that since he helped me. Joshua.

He's had the kindest soul ever to have existed and even introduced me to his cousin baekhyun. They have no other friends either as they always stick together in classes and throughout school. Now they became my friends and the closest friends I had ever had.

Even in the short amount of time I've known them I feel like I've always known them. They pick up the day for me and stay by my side when I get picked on by the seven handsome vampires.

When they verbally insult me it hurts me in ways I don't understand. It twists my heart in places I didn't know existed and it's very painful. The day that Yoongi guy pushed me down the stairs my heart hurt more than the rest of my body but the look on his face when he looks down on me was something to regret and pain. As if it hurt him too in some weird way but that's as replaced with hatred when Joshua helped me to stand up and take me to the nurse.

I'll never forget yoongis face and he has to spoken or came near me ever since. That was three weeks ago, I never know and he could change but I would of thought he'd do something by now. Instead he actually doesn't even look at me, well that I've noticed anyway.

Now here I am thinking about him, about them again as I walk through the halls to my class to start off the new day, maths. My worst subject but I'm eager to keep trying.

I received a text from Joshua who's in my class that he was already in the classroom waiting for me. Thank god he's already there, last time I was in maths class I was there by myself and all seven of them were there but I had to endure the glare of at least six of them. So good thing that won't happen again.

Walking through the classroom doors with other students I noticed Joshua already sitting in the second row on his own desk which so happens to be next to mine. It was funny to think the first week here at this school we didn't even speak to one another but now we're the best of friends.

Joshua smiles and waves me over when he noticed me walking through the door.


I shout out my nickname for him a little louder than I intended. No one really paid attention to it until one particular person stood up as he slammed his fist into the desk splitting it in two as he darkly glares at me with his shiny red eyes.

Frightened by his strength and sudden behaviour did I step back and stay completely still as he stalked his way over to me with balled fists.

"Don't. Call. Him. That. Ever. Again." Namjoon

Inside I'm pissed, angered that he would demand such a thing but I'm scared right now as he looks like he wants to kill me. So instead of speaking my mind I so desperately want to I nod and bite my lower lip. I seen how Namjoon lowers his gaze to my lips for a second before he sighs and closes his eyes taking a deep breath but then coughs, covering his mouth with a tight fist and then bolting out the door in his vampire like speed, almost knocking over the human teacher in the process.

Then Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung run out the classroom after him probably to go see if he's okay. I finally relieved a breath, being able to finally breath after holding it in with how close Namjoon was before.

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