Chapter 57🌹

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Why did Taehyung not kill her?!

That's why we were there and he had the perfect opportunity to kill her and so did I but he stopped me and started a fight instead. We never fight and Taehyung never gets all this bothered with us and speaks to us in the way that he did.

That is why I did as told because it's unusual and I want to hear what he has to say despite how I feel towards y/n right now.

I want to kill her.

Even if a part of me is saying don't. I still want to.

Running back to the castle was no problem and we all stormed up the large stair case heading towards the office that is now ours. I lingered back a little to walk close by Taehyung who was all over place in his mind. I could tell by the look on his face something was seriously wrong.

Taehyung and I walked side by side down the corridor even if our brothers had already ran to the office. I decided to stay with Taehyung and put aside the fact the he punched me back at the Yoo house. I'll let that go because I know something is up.

"Prince Taehyung, Prince Jungkook, I see you are all back earlier than expected."

Jackson comes from around the corner.

I just nod at him and continue to walk on but Taehyung stops in his steps and glares at our advisor with so much hate and disgust that even Jackson was taken back by this.

"What's it to you?" Taehyung

He growls at Jackson and I noticed the little twitch Tae does when he's about to pounce on someone and I was right. Before Taehyung could launch himself at Jackson I grabbed Taehyung from behind and pulled him back kicking and screaming with a series of growls and literally throw him inside the office to collide into Jin who held him by the shoulders surprised and I took this chance to close the office doors and stay here with my arms stretched wide so he couldn't get passed.

Taehyung tried to get out do jins hold but he wouldn't let him.

"Woah Tae just tell us that the hell is wrong with you?" Namjoon

Taehyung stopped in his movement and turned his head over his shoulder to glare at Namjoon who was sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Taehyung

"Well yes. That's why I asked." Namjoon

He shrugged but noticeably irritated. I for one feel oddly calm compared to moments ago. I don't know why but Taehyungs outburst has be intrigued.

Taehyung yanked his body from Jin who let him go but watched him very carefully for how he moved and I too watched him in case he tried to get out to Jackson. For whatever reason he has.

"Well for you information we have all been betrayed!" Taehyung

"Yeah by y/n and her friends." Jimin

He pipes up from the couch. Jin steps back from Taehyung and Tae then just spins around with his back to me and stares at Jimin who just glares up at Taehyung.

"No it wasn't y/n and I swear Jackson better not be at the door on the other side listening." Taehyung

He points my way and then turns over his shoulder to scowl at me. I sighed and turned around to open the door and leak my head out but just to see that Jackson was just running down the corridor. Maybe he was listening?

Closing the door again and turning around I coke to find Taehyung standing very close to me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Is he gone?" Taehyung

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