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The eight soulmates as promised all entered the gates of their new life together in the afterlife. Walking through the gates of heaven in wonder to what happens next yet they could all feel at peace knowing that they did indeed stay together like planned.

Stepping through those gates was like a new beginning that they couldn't wait for even if there is a heavy heart in each of them to know they left family behind. But it's not forever, it's only temporary.

However in the far distance four figures emerged from the clouds a head. The eight stopped confused and y/n found herself slightly scared and pressed her body up against jins arm for some sort of protection.

Out of instinct they got into defensive mode but as soon as those faces came into view, they all relaxed and took off running towards the four people that have suddenly shown up to greet them.

Their parents.

Y/n ran to her mom and dad, arms wide and jumping to hug them desperately. Her soulmates however, the seven of them surrounded their own mom and dad forming a massive group hug. The boys almost hiding their parents from view of anything else and yet both set of parents couldn't be more thrilled to finally have their children with them, even in death they had waited many years for this moment.

Somehow the two groups from y/n and her parents to the seven boys and their parents, all formed together and a groups of twelve developed in one massive group hug.

This was unexpected to see them but really they didn't know what to expect as they don't remember what happened last time they did this.

"It's about time that you got here bitch!"

That familiar yet loud voice echoed throughout the clouds around them. Y/n snuck passed every one to look around desperately for the owner for the voice but when she finally found him, she took off running again and collided into his chest for a much needed hug.

"I've missed you Josh." Y/n

She pressed her face against his chest as he hugged him back holding him tightly.

"You have any idea how long you made me wait for you? It was a nightmare." Joshua

They laughed together as everyone else watched on but someone else came up from behind accompanies by two more that were suddenly joining the hug making y/n flinch in surprise but when she looked up, she was shocked to see Baekhyun smiling down on her and Daehyun and bong also standing there hugging them forming another hug.

Not a dry eye in sight to this sudden reunion. It was unreal to seee her friend again. But with Namjoon seeing bong again, and after giving y/n a moment with her friends he was the first to walk over to greet the four of them again and of course hug and shake hands again. The remaining six also took this opportunity to so the same thing as Namjoon and y/n while their parents watched on.

"Excuse me may I cut in?"

Everyone separated to allow the next person to walk in side by side with yet another person. Ren and jeong.

Both grinning ear to ear and of course y/n broke out in another run just to happy to see them and hugged them both at the same time. It felt good to see them again and even the boys missed them just as much as y/n and couldn't resist in coming over to join this moment. It seems as if everyone were here but yet there were more people waiting to come in and say hello again.

Their children from their first life.

They had been waiting a very long time to be reunited with their parents.

The first to appear was Minjun, followed by Yeonjun and Dohyun.

The other younger children or more like grown up children emerged to greet their parents. Harry and Hwan were the last to come over and say hello.

It was all getting too much for all of them, especially y/n and her seven soulmates taking everything in at once.

It seems that everyone in her family were here apart from Bobby and Luna but that was expected since they were reborn to be Sakura and Bobby in the second life.

Happiness for everyone to this reunion in the heavens and even more people showed up. Hanuel and Val joined this occasion and didn't want to pass this up to greet the new comers that everyone has been waiting for.

The dark knights and Eun were here watching from the side lines but eventually joined and even suggested a party which would take place later on but there was no rush. They are all together and have the rest of eternity to do so.

A even bigger shock was Butler Choi showing up to also say his hellos and compliments yet y/n and most definitely the seven vampires felt nothing but respect and gratitude to this man who was with them throughout both lives. A great man he is that even in death he's still loyal and now counter as part of the family. It wouldn't of been the same without Butler Choi.

Being here in the heavens, y/n was overwhelmed with love from everyone in both lives. Her soulmates, her parents and friends. Even her in laws and children from first life and now Butler Choi. Her heart couldn't be more fulfilled with joy to what she has accomplished and now all she needs to do, what they all need to do is wait to greet her children from her previous now, for when it's their time.

They'll all be there as one big family.

Nothing can part them, not even death itself.

As the boys would say she is ours, but it's been proven that she is truly theirs and this is where they belong.

Together forever.

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