Chapter 71 🌹

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Today was the crowing ceremony of my soulmates.

Since I'm not announced as their soulmate officially I get to sit off to the side instead of with them. Traditionally I would be standing with their parents but unfortunately they aren't here. So I sit in a chair which would so happen to have been in the chair beside where the queen would sit. It kind of makes me sad to sit here just to see two empty seats that should be occupied. I may not have met them officially but I heard many stories of their childhood last night.

The eight of us last night spent the whole night alone and I just listened to their many stories of their childhood while they also listened to mine. I don't know why we didn't do this before but it was just talking, nothing else apart from maybe a few kisses here and there but that's about it. Maybe it's because we didn't have to worry about anything anymore?

I mean I know Jackson is still alive by what Ren has mentioned but he's still stuck in the dungeon with the dark knights that are taking their sweet ass time with him. I guess it serves him right for his doings.

The throne room is massive and yet I sit here and wait for people to fill in the room. Mostly vampires of higher ranks and maybe a few humans here and there. My soulmates family, their uncles and aunts came in. Meaning I saw Hanuel come in with his wife Val, who I found to have some sort of smug look on her face. I had this funny feeling she was up to something. Then Yeona came along with her soulmate, he was not that tall honestly, maybe a few inches taller than her but not by a lot. I haven't been able to speak to him yet but when Yeona seen me she waved excitedly in the front row where all family relatives sit. Then I seen Jeong with his wife, it's the first time I met her but she did come over to me and say hello. Very quiet if you ask me but seems like a fitting match for Jeong. He couldn't stay as he needed to be with Ren at the moment.

I came to find out only just last night when my dad spoke to me about it that Ren and Jeong being the oldest they are responsible for crowing the boys, especially Ren since their dad is no longer with us, but I'm sure he's watching.

Then lastly of the relatives was of course Jewel who took up a seat next to Jeongs wife and then Eun. I was surprised that he came since he was busy but I don't think he would of wanted to miss this and I'm sure the other three have it all under control. Maybe.

Everyone was taking their seats while I just sat there quietly watching. I saw my friends, Joshua, Baekhyun and Daehyun come and sit just in the second row behind Jewel which raised a few brows from other vampires but no one said anything even when you can tell they wanted to. My dad also sat with them but made sure to stay close to the little closed off second I was sitting in to the side of the room.

Hold on. Where's Bong?

At first it was easy to ignore some of the stares from the vampires in the room but the longer they stared the more uncomfortable I became.

Thankfully music started to play and then within seconds Ren and Jeong suddenly appeared from a door that was next to me. I didn't even realise that there was a door there. However I just watched them walk to the front of the room, all eyes were now on them instead of me thankfully and I felt like I could finally breathe.

No one said anything and yet both Ren and Jeong bot stood to the side of the seven red velvet chairs in the middle of the stage in front. The music then started to change then the back doors to the huge hall opened and all eyes turned quietly to see all seven princes and my soulmates walk into the room. I sucked in a breath to see them all smartly dressed, royal robes hanging off their shoulders and down their backs. Lined up in single file from oldest to youngest. All baring small silver crowns on their heads but chins up as they look ahead of them to Ren and Jeong but I didn't miss the way that each one of them would sense my gaze on them as I took a moment to stare at each of them individually in awe. I mean talking about taking your breath away and the authority and power radiating from them already.

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