Chapter 34🌹

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When Hoseok burst into my class room during a maths class I was very much surprised but relieved to see him. Maths is still not my best subject but I'm a little better thanks to yoongis tutoring.

Hoseok skipped class for some unknown reason but when he did finally burst into the class room he burst out the reason in front of everyone and myself, Joshua, Baekhyun all ran out the classroom along with the six other vampires too.

Our teacher didn't say anything about it since it was understandable and not to mention Hoseok was giving her a daring look as if to say 'don't say a word' type of look. He can be pretty scary when he pulls that look off.

But either way we all left and headed straight to the Yoo house.

Hoseok explained that Bong and Daehyun were attacked and that Daehyun is in a induced coma right now due to hitting her head and that bong is being seen too but unconscious.

I was beyond pissed but also scared for one of my best friends. Also for bong even if I had only known him for a little while I still feel deeply worried about him just as much as Daehyun.

Now this makes sense to why Daehyun wasn't answering her phone calls last night when I asked her about her date. Also that she didn't come to school today it was worrisome but now I know why.

It didn't take long to get there since Ren had arranged for a driver to pick us all up knowing we would come straight away. I mean this is Daehyun we're talking about and it made me wonder who would want to hurt the two of them.

Though when I wondered that out loud in the car Namjoon mentioned it could be something to do with the guy that attacked me in the woods not too far away from the Yoo house. It would make sense really because Bong was the one to save me so what perfect reason would they have to try and kill Daehyun as the weaker out of the two. But jay would mean who ever is responsible knows that Daehyun and bong are soulmates, meaning they must know who they once were in the past life too. Maybe but that's what I think anyway.

Once we all piled out the car Jewel was waiting for us by the front door and took us all to see Daehyun in the Yoo house. They insisted to keep her here because it would be safer than a hospital.

Jewel said on the way to the room Daehyun was is that Jeong was currently at Daehyun parents house to discuss a few things about what's going on and to take them here to see her.

I had worries if Jeong would of been a wise choice to go speak to people about this kind of thing and even Jungkook made a comment saying Ren or Jewel herself should of gone instead but she assured us that with Jeongs is capable of being sensitive with others which was a relief to know. Though I did notice the sense of warmth in my heart to know that and some sudden words popped in my mind also.

"All tough on the outside, still a softy on the inside."

It was weird as it was my one voice I heard but it was a little funny to hear and it just kind of made sense.

Walking into Daehyun room did I rush to her side with Joshua and Baekhyun also. The vampires hung back a little by the door but still peering lumber with worry.

"She's okay now right?"

I asked jewel as I took Daehyun hand in mine as I looked down at her sleeping face.

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