Chapter 38🌹

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~??? POV~

The boys have been away all weekend and I know exactly what they're doing. I did my daily dose of eavesdropping on them to find out exactly what they were up to.

They're gonna take her on a date and see how things go but it doesn't mean they won't mark her if she allows them too. I'm not stupid and I know she will.

I'm already pissed off because my attempts to have that asshole bong and his soulmate killed failed again and now I'm gonna have to take matters into my own hands.

I already have a plan and I'll deal with it myself. To split the two between the boys and their soulmate. I know how and it's better than having her killed but she may also be killed too if things go my way but not by my doing but by theirs. Then once they figure out what they've done it'll be too late anyway and they're go through what any vampire that has lost their soulmate go through, which is internal pain to wish upon death and die of a broken heart. That's what will happen to them.

It's really simple and now that I thought of it I don't see why I didn't start it sooner but I'll start it when they come home. I know exactly how to get it done too it's just waiting until they come home is the problem.

As I'm seated in my chair behind my desk going through the last of my plans I can hear some chaos going on downstairs. The loud shouts of my name as well as the king and queen.

I stood up from my seat knowing I'm requested by the very princes that have suddenly come home. But I didn't make it to my door instead it was opened from the other side and I came to a stop to see the young Namjoon himself, standing before me grinning all happily.

I could smell the scent of the half breed soulmate of his, it's all over him but I hold my tongue and force a smile to see him home.

"Jackson!! Could you please join my parent and butler Choi in the main office please?! We have something to tell all of you!" Namjoon

He was beaming with joy and it was clearly evident. It also makes me cringe how he wanted the help to also join us to whatever news he had to share. Ever since I started work here butler Choi and I never got on. He would give me quite digs about what I was up to and amongst other things. I've tried to get rid of him but that old man is just too good.

"Of course. You look very happy today? Does it have something to do with you're little date over the weekend?"

I asked of him even though I already know the answer. Namjoon only laughs but I noticed the slight pink colour rush to his cheeks giving me a tell that something did happen.

"Well come with me and I'll tell you." Namjoon

He waves me to come out the room and follow him, so that is what I did. When he turns around to leave and walk away I followed him towards the main office where I could already tell his parents were in with the other boys and butler Choi. I was the last to arrive but walked in with my head held high igniting butler Choi's squinting eyes at me. That man always knows what I'm up to so with my new plan I have to be careful he doesn't find out.

I bowed to the king and queen at the desk before I walked over to stand beside the window next to the fire place and the kings desk and waited for someone to explain what was going on.

"Okay could you all please tell us what's got you all excited? I'm guessing your date went rather well with your soulmate, yes?" Queen

She looks around the room at all her sons with a small smile on her face. The queen was always encouraging the boys to find their soulmate so to learn that they found her she's over the moon about it.

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