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~??? POV~

I still remember everything from my second life. Why we came back I don't know and I don't care right now. For the last one hundred years we've been looking for her, praying to find her but we can't.

It's painful to not be able to find her.

No matter how hard we try as royals and had full control of the country's vampires for the last 76 years, still no luck.

We must find her, where ever she is.

The fear that we may have somehow lost her is great but we haven't given up hope. If it weren't for the sudden disease that wiped out most of the human population then it may have been easier but it's not.

Now my brothers and I keep an close eye on the human rehabilitation facilities to keep them safe from the contagious disease until we find a cure to stop it. We want humans to live in this earth as we do and so because there's barely any humans left we must feed on animal blood. Everyone must, it's the law.

No human is to be touched under any circumstances.

Lately because most vampires and humans have become more of soulmates, more half breeds have been born so that gives us hope that she may be a half breed again. Somewhere.

Also we recently had to have our best specialists in medicine come up with something that human pregnant woman can take to survive child birth. And they must because it's important to us that the humans live. Nothing in this world would be right without them.

Especially her.

Two previous lives with her before, and yet now we have a third. None of us can remember the first but the second previous I can remember well. That was more than two hundred and fifty years ago. Times have changed massively and a lot of technology invented in that time.

Even our castle that shared many memories is now nothing but ruins. This whole human disease that we call the white plague.

We call this disease the white instead of the black because it is sort of similar but instead of rotting from the outside the humans rot from the inside. It's still unknown to why this is but we hope we can find out soon and put a stop to all this mess.

Because our castle is destroyed, we now live in yet another but it's no castle this time but a large mansion of a house. Just as big as a castle so it does us fine and in the basement we have under ground tunnels that lead to every facility around the country. We can run faster than any vampire so getting there is no problem.

Every week we check on our facilities for updates on either deaths, human body counts, human health and any news on either a cure to this or on our soulmate. Not many people know we are looking for her as we keep it on the down low but only our closest friends and employees know of this.

Especially our second in command, Han Mark. Not only is he that but during hard times he's our go to guy and best of friend. Actually it turns out that he's also from a previous life with us, Yoo Jaehoon and Lee Daehyun were his previous names. Y/ns father in both lives too. Mark also has a younger brother called Han Eric. He too is a close friend and previous life friend. Kai and Bong. Not only is he keeping an eye out for y/n but also his soulmate out there somewhere.

Could we all be back?

That's what I keep thinking, but it could only just be a thought for now.

For the last one hundred years all this is something I keep thinking about and I know I'm not alone. My brothers too but when I sit in my office as I do, I can't help but dawn on it a lot.

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