Chapter 62🌹

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Two days passed since I found out my news. It's shocking news because I didn't think this could happen because I WAS on the pill. Ren though went into more depth about that and I guess it was pretty useless in the end.

I needed to speak to them, just any of them really but I haven't seen any of them at school since the day I found out.

Everyone in the school knows about my 'condition' I guess some obviously knew before I did. It's not as bad as thought it would be at school to be honest. No one talks bad about me, whispering about me like they use to and other things. People are actually scared to look at me which is weird.

I was speaking to bong about it last night actually and he mentioned it could be because the vampire students know who the father is of each baby so they would want to stay far away so no one gets on the bad side of the royal princes. I guess there's some perks of it.

It was lunch time and we were sitting in the canteen together, just the four of us. Again people stayed away from me the whole time and Joshua was loving it. Personal space is what he finally got as long as he was with me, like a repellent for flies.

"I swear as long as you're pregnant I'm taking you everywhere with me." Joshua

"She's not going to follow you to the bathroom josh." Baekhyun

"She could! I'll hand cuff her to me if I have to then no one can separate us, right y/n?" Joshua

I rolled my eyes when he nudges me with his elbow. I did find it kind of funny but I was too busy in thinking about my soulmates. About how they must know this too if everyone else does.

"Dude that's too far." Baekhyun

"Hey! Do you think we can skip the lunch line and get leftovers? Y/n is eating for a further three more beings." Joshua

"Oh josh just stop it." Daehyun

"Josh I don't need anything else to eat. I'm quite happy with what I have thanks."

I pointed to my tray of food which he only glanced at with an unamused expression.

"That's not enough. Like I said y/n, three beings. Vampire babies." Joshua

He doesn't have to remind me. The fact that I'm not worried about dying is because Ren reminded me that his mother was a half blood and had him and all his siblings so as long as I drink plenty blood I'd be fine which is actually something I could use right now.

Daehyun pats my arm and points to a piece of paper on the table and pushes it in front of me. I lean over the table, my chest to the wood read it while Joshua also leans in close to read it but Baek not being interested in the least.

If you need a drink y/n, go get it from your locker and take it to the bathroom.

Her note read as if she already caught on to what I wanted and I did. In my locker in a specially made coffee travel mug did I have blood in there, well actually I had three of them. They're specially made so no one knew that I was drinking blood and if I took it to the bathroom you can really smell it so much, it is a girls public bathroom.

No one can know I'm drinking it because apparently according to what Yeona told me is that only half bloods are known to drink blood while pregnant. Humans that become pregnant by a vampire can't stomach blood and become violently ill to the point of death in some cases. So it's obvious no one can know.

I nodded at her and pushed the note back to her. Daehyun looked over her shoulder and scrunched up the paper in her hands and stuffed in back in her bag so no one can see it.

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