Chapter 9🌹

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A trip seriously??

To the Yoo house. We've never been to the Yoo house. I didn't even know king Ren was still alive, I mean he's no longer the reigning king because my father is but still. What the hell is going on here?

The seven of us went straight home after school since none of us can stop thinking about the pictures we seen in history class. It was confusing and just plain out weird to see yourself on a picture surrounded by your brothers and a woman that looks exactly like Y/n. I have many questions running through my mind and I demanded to know what they were, and I was going to get them from our parents.

After the seven of us charged out the car we shared to come home, we ran through the front entrance to the castle with Jungkook kicking the door open with a loud boom through the castle to let our presence be known.


Within seconds the very same butler Jin shouted on had appeared in front of us and bows in respect but I didn't have time for this.

"Choi where is our parents we need to speak with them. It's urgent."

I spoke as I waked towards him. He looks up at me but doesn't look me in the eyes.

"Your highness your parents are in the office. They have been expecting you and I was ordered to accompany you also." Butler Choi

I frowned as to why when we can clearly make our own way to them.


I huffed and ran away with my brothers through the castle and to the office that has always been of my fathers use and too big for just him if I'm honest. Even my mother has her own office.

I was first in approaching the office double doors and I didn't bother knocking. I stormed in on a mission because I want to know how it's possible that a picture from hundreds of years ago was a spitting image of all of us. Including Y/n.

It hurts me to think of her.

For as long as I've known this office it's never changed but I've always loved being in here

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For as long as I've known this office it's never changed but I've always loved being in here. In fact I use to sneak in here sometimes and just sit on the couch. I don't know why I just like the sensation the room gave me.

"Mom, dad we need to talk!!"

I said to both of them. My dad was sitting behind the desk in his chair as always and my mom was standing by his side with her hands folded over the other on her stomach calmly watching the seven of us charge in. None of them seemed dazed by our actions, it was as if they expected this.

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