Chapter 32🌹

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Well when Jungkook asked me to go on a date with not only just him but all of them. I swear I almost fainted but obviously I said yes. I mean I didn't hesitate to say yes either it just flew out my mouth so easy and so natural.

I asked what they had in mind but they said that was a secret but I'll find out closer to the time which so happens to be this weekend.

After school Daehyun has some sort of after school date planned with Bong so after school I was pretty much abandoned because Joshua and Baekhyun left school early for some reason.

So I just headed to the park because unfortunately I missed the second bus that I needed to take to go home. But lucky for me that's where I found the two friends of mine that have been acting weird.

They were both sat on the swings with their backs facing me. I planned to sneak up on them but unfortunately for me Joshua turned around to look over his shoulder and seen me coming.

"Oh man! You weren't suppose to see me!"

I groaned in defeat but still approached the two. Now Baekhyun turns over his shoulder to look at me, checking me up and down with a little frown.

"Ah y/n I heard those princes asked you out on a date?" Baekhyun

I was surprised because I didn't think anyone knew and plus he left school early with Joshua.

"How did you know?"

I asked him to now stand in front of the two still sitting on the swing.

"Daehyun told us. She texted us after you told her." Joshua

"You better be careful y/n. People are already saying nasty things about you." Baekhyun

I sighed and took off my bag to throw it the the side by the frame of the swing.

"I know, I know. Nobody else knows anyway so it's all good and no else has to know anyway."

Baekhyun only hums but Joshua just stares at my face blankly. At first I didn't mind but the fact he's just staring and being all quiet and that's unusual in itself because Joshua is not a quiet guy.

"Y/n we need to talk to you about something." Joshua

He says all with a straight face and I would say I'm surprised but at the same time I'm not. I knew there was something and if he's gonna tell me now what it is then I'm all ears.


I sit down on the floor infront of him but Baekhyun abruptly stands up and begins to walk away with a mumble grabbing his school bag.

"I'm out of here." Baekhyun

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

I shout at him watching him walk away to leave the park. I stood back up to chase after him but Joshua just grabs my hand and shakes his head.

"There's no use in chasing him y/n. He won't come back because he doesn't like to talk about what I'm about to tell you." Joshua

There was this sadden look on his face with worries me. Once he lets go of my hand he sits back down on his swing and I sit on the swing that Baekhyun once sat on.

"What do you want to tell me Joshua?"

He only stares to the floor, pouting his lips slightly in thought before exhaling a breath to try and relax him.

"I have two confessions but what I tell you, can you promise me you won't tell anyone about it? No one can know this." Joshua

He looks at me with pleading eyes and I nod.

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