Chapter 59🌹

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I heard Yoongi shout from across the castle when I was silently thinking in my room.

"I'm sorry Yoongi I was ju-" Jackson


I ran out my bedroom and to the direction of the voices. I found Hoseok also running in the same direction and it led us all the way to our office. The doors were wide open and just on the opposite side of the corridor I seen Jackson walk around the corner.

What was he doing?

Yoongi's growls coming from the office gained my attention and I headed inside with Hoseok. Yoongi patting down the walls and checking the shelves with books, pulling them out on the floor as if he was searching for something. There by the side of the desk was Namjoon standing there watching him with a clueless Jimin also standing next to him.

Namjoon and I glanced at each other. I was asking him with my eyes what he was doing, gesturing to Yoongi but he just shrugged.

"We don't know, we just got here too." Namjoon

"Yoongi what are you doing?" Hoseok

Yoongi snarls but continues to pat down the walls and start checking the curtains by the window shaking them off.

"That asshole was in here. He shouldn't be in here, he knows the rules." Yoongi

That's true. Jackson shouldn't be in here when a royal isn't unless given permission and as far as I know none of us have. As of right now Jackson is a lucky man that he hasn't been dealt with yet. I haven't yet spoken to my brothers about Y/n and I's interaction and I should tell them and I will but I would prefer it if Jungkook and Taehyung were here. It's just Taehyung decided to glue himself to Y/n all day and even take her home. Jungkook had also been following her all day but without her knowledge. I'm even surprised that Jimin is standing here right now but at the same time he doesn't look like he's quite in the room with us, like his head in somewhere else. I could tell by the way he just stares off into space.

"What was he doing?" Namjoon

Yoongi spun around in his heels, glaring at Namjoon with his red eyes and balled fists and even his breathing became heavy.

"He was doing what I'm doing right now. It was like he was looking for something and I don't fucking know what but with that man I don't trust him. We should end him right now." Yoongi

Yoongi began to march to the office doors but Namjoon grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back and I just shut the office doors after checking that the halls outside were clear.

"What the fuck man?! Let me go!!"Yoongi

Yoongi began to struggling, kicking his legs in the air and trying to push Namjoon away from him. Jimin then blankly sat down on the couch and I noticed how Hoseok watched him with a frown but yet concerned to see Jimin not react at all.

"Not until you calm down. Then I'll let you go." Namjoon

Yoongi scoffs and only tried harder.

"Why? We cant let that asshole run free through our halls! He should of been dead sooner!" Yoongi

"I know but we must think of a plan. Catch him off guard. If we keep acting like this then he'll catch on and he could run." Namjoon

"Then we'll fucking catch him!" Yoongi

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