Chapter 17🌹

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I don't know how but since I laid eyes on this tree from inside I made an excuse to Baekhyun to come outside by myself and come to this tree.

I was large in height and you could tell it was old but not as old as some of the trees around it. It was bent in a odd angle and on the large tree did I find the cravings of eight names, embedded into the bark.

Tracing my finger along the names did I realise that all eight names were exactly like my own and the seven princes that were also somewhere around here probably exploring themselves.

I felt drawn to this tree, it was as if this tree itself had seen many memories over the years. Some may be good and some may be bad, but one thing for sure is that I can't help but think there was a story to how this tree ended up in a odd angle.

"This tree is very special to this place."

I yelped in fright, a hand over my heart to the sound of someone's voice behind me. Turning around to owner did I then relax to see Ren standing before me smiling with his behind his back and now wearing more comfortable clothing than I had seen him last night. This time instead of a suit he wore black sweat pants with slippers and a navy blue T-shirt. Not something I excepted a man of his title to wear but this is his home after all and should be able to freely wear whatever makes him comfortable.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." Ren

I shook from my thoughts when I didn't realise there was silence between us or even that I was staring at him in the first place.

"Oh no it's okay. I can get jumpy sometimes."

He chuckles, taking a few steps towards me. I don't move and stay in my place as I found no reason to back away form him or even find an excuse to leave. I wanted this time with him.

"My mother was like that sometimes. Only sometimes not a lot though. She use to be able so sense her soulmates or children around anywhere. It was useless after a while actually to try and spook her." Ren

Now that he mentions his mother I remember that I look like her.

"I'm sorry but it must be hard for you."

He takes his attention away from the tree to frown at me as if he didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

"What do you mean? The fact that you look like my mother?" Ren

I nodded without a word. I didn't want to say something in case it came out the wrong way.

"You're appearance took me off guard, yes. You're exactly like her, to every detail it's like I'm looking right at her again." Ren

He stares into my eyes with a fond smile and I couldn't bare to take my sights off his. Something inside me was telling me to stay still and don't move. To allow him to look into my eyes for as long as He wants to but then I found myself doing something I didn't expect. Something that crossed my mind so suddenly it was like I couldn't control my own actions.

I hugged him.

I hugged him so tight that I didn't want to let go. I barely know this man yet it feels the opposite. Thankfully Ren doesn't push me away but instead hugs me tightly also, pressing my small body into his. I felt content in his arms and didn't want to let go but didn't want him to think the wrong way to insult his soulmate in anyway, so I was the first to pull away from the hug that lasted god knows how long.

"I-I'm sorry I don't know why I did that."

I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear trying to look anywhere but him since I know feel so embarrassed by my actions.

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