Chapter 5🌹

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I was so desperate for that pee!!

Thank god Mr Choi let me go to the bathroom but he's a cool teacher so I never doubted him. My favourite teacher so far in this school, my art teacher.

Not only did I need to go pee but I had to put my eye drops in my bad eye that I still have trouble seeing out of. I received a pretty bad bruise around my eye along with a little damage to my optic nerve that I was told will heal in time, no permanent damage thank god! My dad was ferocious like a raging bull when he got the call from the school but I had to go to the hospital so he met me there while wearing eye contacts and scent disguiser so no vampire would think he was one of them. Desperate time calls for desperate measures as my dad said. He got away with it though so that was lucky!

It's been three days since that happened and I haven't seen Taehyung or Jungkook since. They've been off school and for what reason no one knows and honestly I would be scared to see them again. My heart still longs for them, misses them when I know they're not around yet my brain screams at me to say no they're dangerous stay away.

I have to stay away from them, from all of them as much as I can for my own safety. Though I can't from Yoongi right now because of the tutoring thing but that won't be forever though. To many thoughts run through my mind walking through the empty halls in the school when I walk back to class no longer having a empty bladder and my daily dose of eye drops.

Humming to myself I was trying to get more into a better mood since all I think about is them. Those seven vampires that seem to hate me yet I can't seem to get them off my mind, it drives me crazy sometimes.

Abruptly I was grabbed with a pair of arms around my waist and I was pulled up off my feet and whisked away somewhere until it became dark in where ever this person took me. But telling by the chemicals and damp in the room this has to be the janitors closet. Why am I here?

With who?

The person put me down but pressed me against the wall with there body breathing heavily in my face. Has this person ever heard of personal space?

"Excuse me but I need to go back to class."

I tired to push the person away with my hands to their chest but this person didn't move. Not one inch.

"Come on. Please move."

"No y/n me and you need to talk."

I gasped when I heard his voice.

I can barely see anything in front of me with how dark this room is but I know his voice as clear as day.

"Jin we need to be in class."

His hands move to firmly stay beside the side of my head against the wall.

"Like I said we need to talk y/n." Jin

I sighed trying to look anywhere in the room right now. I can see jins body shape but not his face or anything of the sort.

"About what?"

"What happened the other day. With the fight." Jin

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