Chapter 37🌹

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As soon as Namjoon mentioned the word bedroom Jimin picks me up and rushes past Namjoon to the bedroom across the hall with Namjoon hot on his tail following him inside also.

The door was left open and I was placed on the bed gently and again Jimin attaches his lips to mine and I felt the space next to me on the bed begun to sunk in under someone's weight.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight y/n." Namjoon

He whispered in my ear and Jimin pulls away to sit up in his knees, above me and remove his own T-shirt's and throw it across the room. Namjoon does the same but continues to strip all the way down to his boxer shorts that were still damp from the swimming earlier just like my own T-shirt that I still had on.

"This has to go." Jimin

He smirks at me, taking hold of the fabric and tearing it in half down the middle of my chest to revealed my bra in front of the two vampires that both held the same red eyes filled with lust.

"Hmm, nice and perky." Jimin

He grins at me and again leans down to kiss my lips again and travel down leaving open mouth kisses to my jaw as his hands roam around my breasts. Just for moments later for him to tear that in half too down the middle. Usually I would complain but I'm in no mood to be concerned about clothes right now.

"What's going on in here?"

Jimin sits back up again and turns to look over his shoulder and Namjoon also stands back up from the bed.

"Oh Jin, we're just starting a game. Would you like to join us? All of you could." Namjoon

I shuffled more to the side to see who was at the door but instead of seeing just the one person I expected to be there instead I found the remaining five vampires staring at me from the door. I even caught the way Taehyung kicked up lips staring at me lustfully and taking the first steps forward into the room to join us.

"I would love to." Taehyung

"Great. Everyone needs to strip for this but don't worry I'll help y/n undress." Jimin

He says when he turns his attention back to me. I grinned at him and he rolls off me to strip himself of his jeans but was also brave enough to strip down completely naked and stand confidently in front of me. Hoseok comes over and pulls down my shorts for me as I lay on the bed waiting with anticipation with what is about to happen. Not what I planned but I'm not hating it, in fact I'll embrace the whole experience that is about to happen.

Although it seems as though Jimin's braveness created a muse in the room which meant that all vampires in the room seen the need to become completely naked as I was now that Hoseok also pulled down my underwear all at one time. Not one single dressed person was left in the room. I've never done anything like this before but something tells me they have and they know exactly what they're doing.

"So Y/n I guess you can tell where this is going, right?" Hoseok

I nod and bit my bottom lip receiving lustful stares from everyone in the room.

"Great. This is you first time right?" Hoseok

He asks as he crawls on the bed to hover above me and just for Yoongi to come sit by my head on the top of the bed and run his fingers softly through my hair and Jungkook to sit on my left side also caressing my bare arm. I couldn't remove my eyes from Hoseok as he stares me down like a lion with it's prey.

"Yes this would be my first time."

He only nods and licks his lips, his eyes travel up and down my body before he makes eye contact with me again and leans down to smash his lips to mine. No sense of being gentle with the kiss whats so ever but I don't mind. I kiss him back and reach around his body to his back to hold him in place. He too reached down between us and I could feel his hand suddenly touch my womanhood. Hs finger tracing up and down my folds until he stops at my hole and pushes in one finger. I gasped at the sudden invasion and he grins down at me, pumping his fingers inside me a few times while he watches my face at the sensation he was already giving me from just a simple finger.

"Oh I love that noise." Taehyung

"We all do Tae. We all do." Namjoon

"Tonight is going to be so much fun." Jin

"You got that right." Jimin

I ignored the comments from everyone around the room and focused on the pleasure Hoseok was giving me until he removed his finger completely and replaced it with his tip. My eyes widen in surprise and I look down between us to see he had indeed placed his cock at my entrance.

"If you don't want me too I wont." Hoseok

I grabbed onto the back of his head and pulled him in for another kiss earning a grunt from him at the sudden action and a result of hearing Jungkook curse from seated next to me. Reaching down between us I grabbed his cock which he took flinched slightly at the contact not expecting it and I slid my hand up and down his long shaft before pushing his tip into me and then taking my hand away from his cock to allow him to do the rest.

He pushed inside me, all the way until he was fully inside and I arched my back at the sudden fullness of my pussy that was painful yet just bareable.

Hoseok closed his eyes for a moment and connected out lips once more feeling my tightness around him. He stayed still, not even moving but I wanted him to move, I thought the best way to get over the pain is for him to move so I grinded up against him and I heard Jimin giggle from behind Hoseok.

"She's eager I like it." Jimin

Again Hoseok grunted but began to thrust inside me slow and steady but pushing far inside with his hard thrusts from his hard cock. A moan escaped my lips and he pulled away from our kiss just to leave open mouth kisses down to my jaw and to my neck and linger there. His one hand placed under my jaw and the other keeping me in my place by the waist as he began to pound into me harder.

The pain soon enough started to fade away, the pleasure becoming into something I've never experience before and I wanted him to go harder.

"Harder Hoseok. Fuck me harder."

He chuckles but says nothing but his heavy breathing was heard from him as he picked up the pace. Fucking me at an incredible speed that had me arch my back once again as the tingling sensation built up in the pit of my stomach already.

"Urgh, you're getting tighter." Hoseok

He groans against my neck but I don't sat anything but instead look at Jin who was watching from the side of the bed, palming himself but crawled onto the bed to come to my side and sit next to me. Jin leans forward until his lips are so close to my own.

"Are you going to cum?" Jin

I nod feeling on edge to Hoseok thrusting into me hard and fast I couldn't hold on much longer.

"Go on then. Cum. Cum all over his cock baby, you can do it." Jin

He closed the gap between us and attached his soft plump lips to mine. The moment his lips touched mine it was like my body couldn't hold on anymore and explode in bliss of pleasure, cumming around Hoseok. Hoseok in return groans with a loud curse before I felt his fangs pierce my skin which only prolonged my orgasm as my legs began to shake at the intensity of my orgasm. Hoseok snapped his hips up into me, still sucking on my neck leaving his mark and tasting my blood all at the same time. I could feel his cum filling me up as he reached his own orgasm.

Once my own orgasm passed and Hoseoks too he licked the wound and I pulled my lips away from Jin who just smirked at me.

"See I knew you could do it." Jin

I chuckled and again Hoseok grunted before he pulled out of me and forced my chin to turn his face so he could kiss me.

"You came quicker than I expected." Hoseok

"Maybe that's because you were that good."

I commented back and he laughs but before either one of us could say anything someone grabs me by the arms and pulls me away to sit on their lap and quickly push inside me filling me up again with his cock.

"If that's the case then let's see how fast the rest of us can make you cum." Yoongi

He smirks and thrusts up with both of his hands on my hips to keep me in place as he began to thrust as fast as he could into me. Pounding my already cum filling pussy mercilessly.

This is going to be one long hell of a night that's for sure.

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