Chapter 3 🌹

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I was in no rush to the library to meet Yoongi for my first study session with him. Miss Nan set it up so first I picked up smoothie from the canteen first then headed to the library when sneaking it in by hiding it under my jacket and making my way to the far back of the library, through a few book shelves and then to the very table that was hidden from sight.

I wasn't told to pick anything of the sort to find a place to be hidden but I just thought it would be easier from him most likely if we were hidden. For some reason I found myself thinking on how this would affect him and what he would think of what were to happen if his brothers were to find out, if they didn't know already.

The word nervous doesn't even begin to describe how I felt when I took a seat, sitting down at the empty table. I know he'll find me in here somewhere. He's a vampire so he can use my scent to sniff me out in this massive place. I may smell like a human but we've all go our unique scents according to my dad so Yoongi should find me no problem in this place.

I took out my smoothie from my jacket to take a sip of the delicious strawberry goodness and put it down on the table to start taking out my pencil and notes, along with some equations Miss Nan gave me to practise. To be honest I don't even know if he will show up and if he doesn't, oh well. I'll do it myself but I wont tell on him. I know I should if he doesn't show up but something within myself tells me I wont be able to do that.

Reading the equations I sigh heavily as my head is already in circles with some of these questions. I hate maths, I really fucking do. I tap my pencil on the table over and over again going over the paper until a deep soothing voice spoke from the corner.


I looked up to see Yoongi appearing from the shadows with his hands in his pockets but only to remove one hand when he slides off his bag to the floor with a thud and to take the seat across the table from me instead of beside me. Not like I care.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had to make sure Namjoon wasn't here today before I came here." Yoongi

Why is he apologising so sweetly? He always spoke to me like dirt, with just hatred that just vibrated from his body to me.


I mumbled under my breath turning my attention back to the paper of equations. Like I said before I knew he wouldn't want his brothers to know what we were forced to do. I don't want to do this but I felt this pull to him to tell him to sit beside me, or at least get up myself and move to sit be next to him myself but I push that all away.

"Y/n it's not what you think." Yoongi

I sigh and close my eyes and put the paper back down to glare at him as he remains looking unbothered.

"You don't have to explain anything to me. Now can we do this because I have plans later."

I look back down at the sheet of paper while I heard him grumble something from his chest before I flinched when I heard him drop his fists to the table suddenly.

"Joshua and Baekhyun." Yoongi

I nod, refusing to look at him now being able to tell he's pissed by the way he spat out their names. I practically stay frozen in place as if it were to be the fact if I moved it would set him off but instead again he groans.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of acted that way. I-I just....shit." Yoongi

I looked at him confusingly across the table to see him scowling at the corner of the table scratching the top of his head while he's mumbling to himself. His eyes constantly battled between their deep brown and crimson red colour.

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