Chapter 47🌹

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I was stressed as hell today.

I went to work just like any other day just to be informed by Jackson that I was fired and then given a sealed notice letter from the King himself. I was pissed but I couldn't do anything about it, I just wanted to get away from that Jackson guy. I've never liked him as soon as I met him and he stands at the windows of the castle and watches me all the time, it's just weird.

Although I was curious as to why Hoseok and Taehyung were pleading with Jackson to let me stay working there at the castle. It could possibly be because they're my daughters soulmates but yet they looked terrible.

Their eyes were puffy and red and I'm not just talking about the usual red vampire eyes that we vampires have most of the time. I'm talking like as if they had been crying for god knows how long. Their hairs were messy, like bed hair and let's just say it was almost like they forgot how to dress themselves and it's not just them. The past two days all of them have been walking around like zombies and only was it today that there was any other reaction from one of them but in this case it was two out of the seven.

Pushing that thought to the side I sit down on the table in the kitchen and sigh to myself. Thank goodness I have savings to last for the bills and what not until I get another job, it wont be hard to get another job but it'll get us by.

Today was just not a good day, I have just been stressed since I left the castle and now I needed a drink. Standing back up again I headed towards my fridge that has chilled blood. I took out a bag that was cool and headed towards my microwave to heat it up before I pour it in a cup. Setting the timer on the microwave did I just stand leaning against the counter top, that was until my door bell rang and again I sighed heavily just hoping my blood bag heats up quickly and headed towards my front door.

I opened the front door and I was surprised to see Ren and Jeong standing at the door. Jeong was as serious as ever, frowning at nothing as he always does but Ren was all smiles again. To see his face brought a small smile to my own and I opened the door wider for them to come in.

"Hey Ren, Jeong. What a surprise this is."

The two stepped inside and looked around the place and I closed the door behind them and gestured for them to follow me into the kitchen just to hear my microwave beeper go off. Thank god.

"We heard from butler Choi what happened about your job. I'm sorry about that." Ren

I only hummed and headed towards the microwave, taking out the bag and grabbing a cup from the cupboard above and closing it again. I used my teeth to tear the bag and I heard Jeong chuckle as he took a seat in one of the chairs at the table.

"I see you're stressed and needed something to take the edge off." Jeong

He says amusingly and I roll my eyes pouring the blood into my cup that smelled so delicious I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Jaehoon, I could offer you a job at my place. My garden could use a gardener." Ren

"Hey, the garden is my job!" Jeong

Ren sighs and I turn around to face them bringing to the cup to my lips and lean against my counter top again.

"Yes but you have other jobs you could do not just the garden." Ren

Ren shook his head with the roll of his eyes and looked back at me while I silently chuckle at Jeongs pouty face for an adult but looks like a child right now.

"I'll take the job is that's okay."

I spoke to Ren after taking several gulps of blood and licking my lips once more to the taste. Rens eyes widen but I just smiled at him.

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