Chapter 49🌹

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I have to say I'm very impressed with how my plan worked out but up to a certain point. I was hoping the boys would kill her eventually but she rejected them and now the potion I was giving them at home to make them hate her, is in no use.

I didn't know that could happen but it did and I have to get over it to create yet a new one.

The boys are not themselves and wondering the halls of the castle like zombies or they sit in their rooms all day. Yesterday I watched Jin sit and stare at a wall for twenty minutes in the kitchen. Yes I timed him and I think this is all over the top. I need them back to their senses and I know just the thing that will make them hate Y/n even more and that is without spiking their drinks. That was risky since Namjoon almost caught the last time I did that but I see no point in it now that Y/n has rejected them.

I've thought long and hard about this one but it has to work. If this doesn't then nothing will but it requires in killing the king and queen and putting the blame on Y/n and I think her friends should be involved too. I didn't like them when I met them at this so called party the boys hosted last month. They're too nosey so I might as well get them involved to and get rid of them. Ive done this before and I can get away with it again.

I just need something from the three of them to pin them to the scene of the crime when it happens but all is well since my informer told me just a couple minutes ago on my own private phone that Y/n and her father have gone away for how long, I don't know but I know she will be back. So this is a perfect opportunity to get something from her room that the boys may recognise just like those two other idiots.

It will all work out I just know it will. It didn't fail last time so it wont fail this time.

Then when that is all done I can introduce them to who they really are. The same blood thirsting kings they once were in the past life before they met Y/n. The true kings they really are.

I smile crept up upon my face as I think about everything that they would be capable of and I'm very excited because I would be able to steer them right and be there to witness everything that they will do. It will be amazing and I'm even more thrilled that the chambers that they once used for their own pleasure is still here in the castle but still locked up but when the time comes I can get that room opened up and show they exactly what they have been missing all these years.

Leaning back in my chair behind my desk I took a deep breath excited with what is to come but I suddenly heard a faint knock on my door. I frowned and stood up from my chair to walk around my desk and answer it myself instead of calling on who ever was at the door. It could possibly be nothing but I just wanted to check.

Opening the door to my office I had to quickly move back as a body slumped to the floor, but had tears in his eyes that he was aggressively wiping away and he strongly smelled of alcohol. I sighed and shook my head at the mess of the prince before me.

"Prince Jungkook what are you doing here? You should be resting and quit drinking. You're mother is already upset with all of you as it is."

I stated hiding my smile because since the queen found out about what happened with the boys and Y/n and how they treated her which led to their rejection, she hasn't been in the best of moods with them. She barely speaks to them but the look of disappointment is always written on her face and I secretly hide the fact that I love this.

"Jackson, I-I need you help." Jungkook

He held out his hand for me to take and I took it just to pull him up to his feet but he felt like dead weight almost putting no effort into getting up.

"You're gonna have to help me out here. You're not a baby anymore Jungkook."

Jungkook laughs and puts more weight on his feet as I continue to pull him up until he was standing and I wrapped my arm around him to support him.

"Let's go to your room. You need to rest and stop drinking."

He scoffs at me with a roll of his eyes as we now leaving my office and walk very slowly down the long corridor.

"Your so bossy. You know who else is bossy?" Jungkook

I already know what he's going to say. They've all been talking about her constantly when at home if they do speak to you.

"Y/n. Y/n is bossy and I love that about her. BUT I FUCKED IT UP JACKSON!!" Jungkook

I turned my head to the side so he wouldn't see my annoyance about talking of their soulmate. It's so fucking annoying.

"Yeah well I'm sorry about that but theres nothing that can be done about it now."

He quickly turns and pushes me back. I was caught of guard by the sudden aggression but said nothing to protest to it.


Then just in a quick second later he was gone. Well this was pointless. I groaned in more annoyance and headed back to my office but only to come to a stop when I heard someone call my name.

"Jackson can I have a word?"

I turn to see Yoongi stand there with his hands in his pockets, his eyes were puffy as if he had been crying but stares blankly at me.

"Of course what would you like to talk about?"

I swear if he says Y/n I'm going to explode on the inside.

"Let's talk in your office." Yoongi

He only says with his deep voice to walk past me and into my own office. I followed him and closed my office doors to come back to my own chair behind my desk to take a seat when Yoongi also takes a seat in the chair in front of me.

"I want to talk to you about Y/n. Something has been on my mind lately and none of it makes sense." Yoongi

This peaked my interest and I raised a brow at him to lean against my desk with my hands under my chin.

"What is it?"

"I think something was wrong with us before Y/n.....before Y/ know what I mean." Yoongi

I nod at him but kept my smile at bay and not show him I enjoy the fact that she did that to him, to all of them. It's one step closer to getting them to realise just who they really are.

"Wrong? In what way?"

Yoongi looks down and scowls at a pen on my desk in deep thought before he speaks again.

"Before that happened I couldn't explain my actions towards her. What I mean is that my head told me to hate her, with everything inside me but my heart was telling me that I should still care, love and protect her with everything that I had. I don't understand why, so I was hoping maybe you might have something that would suggest why this happened to me, to all of us?" Yoongi

He finally looks at me and I stare back at him blankly trying to think of something to say. I sighed and leaned back in my chair as he carefully watches my every move as he always does.

"I think maybe, yourself as you are now, just doesn't want to accept her as your soulmate and you brain and heart were just arguing with each other. Do you still feel that way with her now?"

He shook his head but a sad expression crawls upon his face and he puts his hands over his heart.

"No, not anymore. All I feel is pain inside and it wont stop. I don't want it to stop because I deserve it after what I did to her. I just.....I " Yoongi

His lip quivered and I gave him a fake pitiful look but he quickly got up and left before I could say anything more about it. Once those door closed a grin crept up on my face again, finally being able to show my true feelings to myself about this. They have no idea was is to come, it will only get worse before it gets better.

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