Chapter 54🌹

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It's been almost a week since I had last stepped foot inside my house. My dad took us to Rens house to live for the last week and I wasn't allowed to go to school either so I've been here every single day.

It's not been too bad honestly. I've been just spending time with my friends and even Joshua and Baekhyun had to come here too to stay since they too had someon go through their things. Joshua senses something wrong and called Ren to let him know but only to have their house checked and it seems like someone was in their room even if Baekhyuns parents say no one was there but them all weekend. So taking no chances they've been here with me too and off school. Baekhyuns parents know of what we are and everything so they had no problem when it came to Baekhyuns and Joshuas safety to stay here with Daehyun and bong also.

The five of us had been chilling and yet none of us are going back to school until Monday which is only just tomorrow. Admittedly I'm scared to see any of my soulmates just because I'm starting to miss them and I'm scared of what I might do or say when I'm a found them. But I can't give in, they acted like Asshole's and hurt me a lot. I can't give in like that.

Again my thoughts were clouded with them constantly but today I couldn't help but feel like something was off. I couldn't make sense of it but it was like a warning of something that I can't explain. It's been roaming my mind since I woke up this morning.

So deep in thought I ignored my friends around me as they were speaking to one another in this large living room just to the side of the large stair case.

"Yo! Y/n are you even listening?" Joshua

He waved his hand in my face and I had no choice but to come out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"I'll take that as a no." Baekhyun

He laughs lightly and I just confusingly frown at him from the opposite couch sitting next to Daehyun who had bong sitting close next to her holding her hand.

"As I was saying woman. Do you seriously think we'll get more homework this week because we missed our classes all week?" Joshua

I just shrugged at him with a small smile on my face.

" I don't know. It's possible."

His eyes widen and he grabs me by the shoulders and begins to shake me aggressively.

"Don't say shit like that bitch! You'll doom us all!" Joshua

I only laughed at him as even Daehyun let's out a cute giggle to cover her laugh with her hand as I noticed bong gazing at her with admiration in his eyes.

"Hey josh you brought it up so if we get more homework it's on you." Baekhyun

Joshua gasps exaggeratedly and lets go of my arms just to then send Baekhyun a glare.

"My fault? It's your fault for bringing up homework in the first place! Who needs homework anyway?" Joshua

Baekhyun laughs at Joshua now joining in Daehyun and bong laughing at Joshua who scowls at him fir laughing.

"We might not get double homework josh." Daehyun

He scoffs with the roll of his eyes.

" easy for you to say. You were in a coma and gradually eased back into things. I swear I'm getting dumber as the days go on." Josh

He sighs to himself falling back against the back of the couch we're sitting on.

" you said it not me." Baekhyun

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