Chapter 42🌹

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"Pst, Miss"

I groan to the sound of the voice that's interrupting my sleep.

"Miss y/n? Please wake up."

I roll over to my other side but when I stretched out my arms I came to realise I was alone in bed. Didn't I fall asleep with the three soulmates of mine in bed after last nights activities?

I shot open my eyes and suddenly feeling like something was wrong. I pull up the covers to my chin and squint my eyes to turn back around again to where I heard the voice.

"Oh thank the heavens you woke up."

I was confused to why the old man I seen last night standing the bedroom I'm in just by the end of the bed. He wore the same suit and bow tie as last night as well as his facial expression of worry but there was fear in his eyes this time.

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

I asked him rubbing my eyes. His eyes widen slightly and he bows politely.

"My apologies miss. I'm Butler Choi. Excuse the sudden abruption to wake you up this early but you really must leave." Butler Choi

I sat up startled and yet surprised by his words of urgency.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

He nods quickly and walks around the bed to my side but averting his eyes from looking at me.

"Yes I'm afraid so and for your safety and the sake of the princes sanity I think it's best if I get you out of here as soon as possible." Butler Choi

I was confused very much so, more than before.

"I don't understand. How could I not be safe here and what are you talking about when it comes to the princes sanity?"

Butler Choi sighs sadly and looks down to his feet.

"I know of how you are to the princes. You're their soulmate and I still remember you from the past life miss y/n. If anything were to happen to you by the hands of the princes they will lose their minds even more so than they would if you were to die any other way and I can't let that happen to any one of you." Butler Choi

"WHAT?! I'm sorry Butler Choi but they wouldn't hurt me like that. I-I mean they have hurt me before but never so much as to possible kill me and that's all behind us now."

The old man looks up to the ceiling and closes his eyes in some sort of frustration.

"The boys.....I'm afraid to say are not in the right frame of mind. I've already alerted King Ren of the situation and even he agrees that I need to get you out of here urgently before the boys come back." Butler Choi

He turned around and picked up a pile of folded clothes and placed them on the bed next to me. Looking down at the pile of clothes I could see there was a pair of black leggings and a pink T-shirt.

"I'm sorry I don't have any shoes for you but this was the best I could come up with. There's a car waiting for you our front and I will accompany you to the car to be sure of your safety." Butler Choi

Why is he making it all sound like they will kill me is they see me?

"Why would they want to hurt me Butler Choi? You're starting to scare me."

He bows to me and steps back away from the bed with hands behind his back.

"My apologies miss, I don't mean to scare you but it's not safe here. The boys are not their selves after last night due to some tampering with their drinks. It may have taken longer with the three younger princes but they're not in the right frame of mind right now." Butler Choi

I frowned at him, coming to remember the way Yoongi was with me and Jin when he was looking at me in disgust.

"Who would tamper with their drinks? And why?"

Butler Choi started to walk towards the bedroom door bowing repeatedly.

"I'm sorry I can't say right now but please get dressed I'll be right outside." Butler Choi.

With that said he then leaves the bedroom and I sat there for a moment to try and process what he was just talking about. We are talking about the same people right?

What could of gone wrong between last night to now?

It's hard to believe but at the same time I don't want to not take him seriously. My gut is telling me to believe him and do as he says and I should trust my gut even if I don't fully understand what is going on.

So with that said I throw the bed sheets off my body and start to dress myself. Once I was dressed I looked down at my red dress thinking back to last night. I debated whether to take it or not but then I picked it up and decided to take it with me. Baekhyun might kill me if I don't come back with it.

I picked up my heels also that slipped off my feet when Jungkook carried me to bed last night and then knocked on the bedroom door to let Butler Choi know I'm dressed.

Seconds later did he open the door and step back inside to which I stepped back.

"Oh good Miss you're dressed. The car will take you to your friend joshuas house. It's been all arranged for you." Butler Choi

I only nod, as I was unsure on what to say but his eyes landed on the dress and they widen a little bit and he quickly snatched the dress from me and threw it to the ground.

"What was that for? That's my dress!"

He quickly shushed me with a finger to his lips and grabbed my wrist gently.

"I'm so sorry but you can't take that with you. They'll smell your scent roaming through the castle and they can't find out you're trying to leave. The clothes your wearing will mask your scent from them so they don't come looking for you." Butler Choi

It hurts to know that he wants me to hide from my soulmates but I didn't question him and he pulled me out the bedroom and down the long corridor quickly speed walking.

He was moving so fast for an old man that I hard a hard time keeping up but when he walked around one corner he was quick to push me back against the wall and held his finger to his lips.

"Yoongi calm down." Taehyung

"Fuck off. Where the fuck is she?!" Yoongi

"She's in Jungkooks bedroom. Why?" Jimin

"Good. She's not fucking leaving this place unless it's in a casket." Yoongi

I was about to gasp but Butler Choi quickly covered my mouth. It hurt to hear him say that but also my heart dropped even more when I heard multiple laughs from my soulmates from around the corner until a doors closed.

Butler Choi looked around the corner and he removes the hand from my mouth giving me a sympathetic look before he pulls me along with him again down the corridor to meet the stair case.

By the time we reached the bottom of the stairs he began to run for the front door of the castle and quickly open up the door and head towards what did indeed look like a black car with tinted windows waiting for me.

Butler Choi opened the car door for me and gently pushed me inside with a weak smile on his face.

"It's lovely to see you again miss y/n and I'm sorry about all of this. I truly am and I hope we get to meet again under different circumstances." Butler Choi

I didn't have the chance to say anything as he quickly shut the door and I watched him run back inside to shut the entrance doors to the castle.

The driver started to drive off the car along the long driveway to the gates and I sat in the back of the car speechless to this morning's awakening.

Whats going on with them?

Why do they want me dead all of a sudden?

Thinking of such things I burst into tears as my heart couldn't bare the thought of them wanting to kill me. It breaks me on the inside and all I could do was shred my tears as I wait to arrive to my best friends house.

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