Chapter 78🌹

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I was so confused when my dad parked the car up at this part of the woods. His car was now just sitting on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere so it seems and yet still with his hand in mine, our fingers entwined with one another he guided me through the woods, walking between the trees, stepping over bushes and snapping twigs in the process. I don't know how long it took us to walk but eventually we came to this large lake that I have never seen before.

It was peaceful view here and water was so calm and still it was just a calming mind set to see but my dad walked us to stand by the water closely looking down at the water by his feet as I stood beside him. However no matter how beautiful this place was my eyes were set with worry staring at the side of my dads face that was filled with sadness.

He didn't say anything for a while, I could tell the wheels were turning in his mind and yet he couldn't tell me what it was and the reason to why he suddenly brought me here to a place I have never been before.

"Dad what are we doing here? You said you wanted to talk to me about something."

My dad nodded his head but still hung low to gaze at the water in his own mind.

"I do." Dad

I heard him mumble quietly and this is not like him to mumble, he's very out spoken about his thoughts.

"Dad whats wrong with you? You've been acting weird all day, is something wrong?"

I tugged in the hand I held and he glanced at our hands and then back to the lake but this time looking across the lake to view the trees on the far end of the water.

"This was the place I met your mother." Dad

My eyes widen in surprise and I ended up again looking around me more carefully as if I was inspecting its environment.

"Here? Really?"

I pointed to the ground where I stood with my free hand and again my dad nods with a sigh.

"Yes. This is the first time I've been here in decades. It holds beautiful memories here that I never wanted to relive after your mother passed. It was too painful." Dad

He looked at me with hurt and pained eyes, his lip quivered slightly and I pushed myself close to my dads arm, hugging him slightly from the side.

"The last time I was here your mother agreed to marry me and runaway from her family that didn't agree with us being together. You know human and vampire, they didn't agree." Dad

I didn't miss the bittersweet tone in his voice as he spoke about that. I didn't know this, my dad barely spoke about stuff like this when it came to him and her together with their moments. Usually it was just about her in general, just what she was like as a person, what she liked and disliked. My dad made sure I knew her like he did when I was growing up yet he didn't speak about their time together as a couple and I never asked because I could see it was already hurting him just to speak about her to me already.

"Things have changed now dad. Human and vampires have can live together freely with no punishments if they were soulmates or just had a simple relationship."

I spoke to him, staring upon his face as he too stared back at me in the eyes deeply.

"That is true. Thanks you and your husbands who may I say are not as bad as they once were. I'll give them that." Dad

He chuckled and pulled me in for a hug, right into his warm embrace and his arms around my body. Out of habit I obviously hugged him back tightly in hoped to make him feel better. When we pulled back from each other my dad took my hand again and guided me to sit down just in front of a tree but to sit upon a large rock that was big enough to fit the two of us together.

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