Chapter 31🌹

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It's the first day back at school since our trip at the Yoo house ended and I have to say I'm missing that place already. Everything was just familiar and yet comforting in a way and after what I had found out while staying there it makes sense. It gives me that sense of home, as if there is another place I could call home there and seek refuge if things were to go wrong and not to mention Ren and Jeong are there too, so that's comforting to know also.

It was lunch time and Daehyun was sat next to me but glued to her phone, texting Bong with the largest grin on her face. I'm happy for her to be very honest but it's also nice to know that they are the past souls of Irene and Kai and that they found each other. I have asked her though if she planned on living for as long as she wants with Bong/Kai this time round and she says with out a doubt yes. That she doesn't want to go through all this again, being born into a world and feel likes something was missing, that you were searching for something but it wasn't clear on what you were looking for. Actually come to think of it that was how I had been feeling also but always put it down to the fact I never met my mother but I guess it was more than that. It was them, my soulmates that my very soul was looking for as it was like for Daehyun.

Daehyun had been so caught up in her texting that she hadn't even touched her food yet that was placed in front of her on the table. Though the other two at the table have been very unusually quiet and it worried me. At lunch times they're usually upbeat and have a lot to speak about or even so much as to moan about homework or even a teacher, but not this time.

They sit next to each other across the table from Daehyun and I, quietly eating their food and saying nothing nor even to look at anyone in the room. Joshua though would pick at his food and Baekhyun would just heavily sigh every now and then and their silence was starting to bug me.

"What is wrong with you two?"

I had to ask them suddenly. The two boys just looked up at me from across the table, taking their sights from their trays of food in front of them. Baekhyun just shrugged and picked up a grape from his little tub of fruit and plopped in his mouth so I looked to Joshua who was staring at me with a bitten lip, as if he wanted to say anything but didn't know how. It was clear there was something he wanted to say but just couldn't for some reason.

"Josh, Baek you know the two of you can talk to me right?"

They only nod and Baek randomly looks over his shoulder and around the room before he sighs and stands up.

"I have to go anyway. I forgot to hand in my English paper to Miss Pak." Baek

Everyone at the table watches him walk away, even Daehyun who looks up from her hone to say good bye to him without noticing his sadden expression. I watched Baekhyun until he completely left the cafeteria and that's when I whipped around to speak to Joshua who sunk into his seat with my stare.

"Seriously? What's going on Joshua?"

"It's a long story Y/n." Joshua

So there is something? I knew it.

"Well you can tell me what the problem is because it's clear that you and Baekhyun are arguing about something."

Joshua only shakes his head, moving his hands to his lap and press his chest against the end of the table.

"No Y/n, we're not arguing. It's just very complicated and I've realised something back at the Yoo house that I've been trying to get Baekhyun to realise too but he's so god damn stubborn." Joshua

"What did you realise back at the Yoo house?"

I was very curious since a lot happened to me there and also Daehyun and now to learn something with Joshua and Baekhyun and they never mentioned this back then, made me very curious and a little worried also.

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