Chapter 10🌹

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After some serious thought, maybe the trip to the Yoo house wouldn't be so bad?

It's just asking my dad is the problem. I know he'll say no before I even ask.

I've had the permission form in my back pocket since I changed out of my school uniform just waiting for the right moment to ask him which I cant seem to find. He's in a good mood and I think if I ask him it'll ruin it for him because he'll become concerned for my safety.

My dad and I were currently eating dinner together at the dining table just next to the kitchen. He was telling me all about his day at work with the gardening that's just filled with flowers that makes me so interested because he knows my love for big gardens with flowers. I don't know why but it just feels like home, even if I have lived in different places around the country from our constant moving.

"So how was your day at school today?" Dad

He asks looking at me from the other side of the table while I've been picking at my food thinking of all sorts, especially the topic of history.

"Just usual stuff at school. Same old classes but history was especially interesting."

My dad raised a brow in interest while picking up his glass half full of blood and bringing it to his lips.

"Oh? What happened in history?" Dad

I just shrugged like it wasn't a big deal when it really was. I don't know why but it didn't only affect me, but also Joshua, he had been off all day and I even caught him crying at one point when Baekhyun was talking about it. I don't know much about the seven vampires in particular since after that I didn't see them in any classes. I think they ditched.

"We learned about the half blood queen and the seven kings."

My dad chocked mid sip of his blood and set down the glass to start coughing and patting his chest to get rid of the blood that must of gone down the other way.

"Are you okay dad?"

That was a weird reaction. I know he already knows all about them since he's the one that told me the story but he made it sound like a fairy tale. My dad just waves at me until he's capable of speaking.

"Y-You learn about them in class? What did your teacher tell you?" Dad

I thought back to those pictures that I have been thinking about all day.

"Not much, just a little about the story like you told me but also the close friends of the eight and how they died and such. It was pretty sad to be honest. I think I even cried over something that I didn't think I'd take so seriously."

My dad nods fully focused on me.

"What else did you teacher tell you?" Dad

"Well not much after that actually. He did show us pictures. He showed us the pictures of the lady's in waiting and the advisor too. Just looking at those pictures alone were weird and familiar but what really shocked me dad, was that the half blood queen looks exactly like me. Like spitting image, everything almost as if we were twins. Ain't that weird?"

I chuckled to myself, picking up my own glass of blood. I like the taste of it with my food when I eat with my dad. My dad however stares off into space but then shakes his head and forces a smile.

"Yeah that sure is strange, sweetie. I guess you can get doppelgangers in the world even after centuries later." Dad

"True but also the seven boys that are in my class also look exactly like the men in the pictures with my twin. That's just even more freaky."

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