Chapter 58🌹

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I've been feeling rough all fucking day. Like I could throw up but yet I haven't thrown up at all. My stomach keeps doing flips making me feel, well just not great. I think it's nerves due to the fact I'm back at school despite what happened of being framed for the murder of my soulmates parents. It wasn't me, or Joshua or even Baekhyun and I'm hoping after the other day with speaking to Taehyung it would put to light who Jackson really is to them.

Although I have seen Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi today in passing in the halls. Jimin still looks pissed at me and stomped away when he seen me looking back at him but Namjoon and Yoongi didn't react expect stare at me from their lockers. It's actually surprising to see them here at school to be honest after what happened but I guess they might be just coming to school to try and distract themselves from reality in a way.

No one dares to get in their way when they walk through the halls. People depart like the red sea when my soulmates walk in whatever direction they go to and not even the teachers will speak to them. Everyone knows to not interact with them, including me but only will I speak to one of them if someone wanted to speak to me about something.

I was more curious to find out where Taehyung was though. When he left the other day he seemed more, back to himself, the soft cuddle bear he is instead of this bloodlust killer. They're all big softies at heart it's just getting through that hard shells that they have is the problem.

As of right now I was in English class, the first class of the day and it so happens that all my soulmates are here sitting on the vampire side of the class room. Joshua and Baekhyun were sitting behind me on their shared desk and Daehyun was sitting beside me. After her 'accident' the school thought it would be easier to ease her back into school work with someone she is comfortable with and she chose me.

Ignoring the glares I would get now and then from the pair of red eyes across the room, some more harsh than others but Taehyung from what I seen showed a more softer side. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to come over and speak to me or just be near me but we're in class. I'm sure he would probably try when class is over and to be honest I would actually speak to him back. I miss him. All of them.

However the sicky feeling I have just wont subside. If anything it just keeps getting worse. I couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying.

"Hey Y/n are you okay? You look pale?" Daehyun

I forced a smile and nodded. I didn't want to get her worried on her first day back at school. Even if she didn't seem to buy what I said she nods also and goes back to paying attention to the teacher but every now and then pass me worried glances.

I'm never sick so this is new to me.

Not to mention I feel hot, ,like I'm in a sauna or something. It doesn't feel right.

Suddenly and very unexpectedly I gagged and slapped my hand to my mouth. Daehyun flinched and stared at me with wide eyes. We just stared at each other in surprise, I was very surprised. I gagged again and I new I just had to get out of here. So without another thought I ran out the classroom without asking for permission, and ignoring the teacher shouting my name. I did happen to hear a loud growl and the teacher immediately shut up. I don't know who did that but only could tell it was one of my soulmates.

I ran across the hall to the nearest bathroom and straight into the stall to the toilet and just let all the contents out of my stomach and into the bowl. I coughed up everything I had and that wasn't a lot because I couldn't bring myself to eat breakfast this morning due to my stomach feeling like it was twisting in knots.

I heard the bathroom door open and close again but I was too busy throwing up. It hurt like hell and I couldn't stop. It felt like forever but once I was finally done, I wiped my mouth and nose since as horrible as it sounds some of it came up that way too. Disgusting.

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