Chapter 69🌹

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All that fight and stuff back there was just mental. It was like something out of a movie, vampires jumping out of nowhere and my soulmates pretty much clearing the path for Jimin to run with me in his arms. He himself did some dodging but in the end, we made it to the meeting point where Ren and Jeong were first but after telling then what had happened, Jeong left straight to the castle to see what the others were up to and to see if they are alright which is what I'm more worried about. I don't know if they are okay and it's bothering the hell out of me.

When we came to the land the Yoo house is located my dad didn't waste any time in taking me from Jimins arms and into his own, just to end up feeling like a little girl again. Once Ren knew and made sure that myself, Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon were okay at his house, he also left back to the castle to check what was going on but promised to come back once he knows what's happened.

My dad took me to my room that I use as my own as long as I stay here in this house. I was now siting on the bed with my dad closely sitting beside me, refusing to let me go in anyway. Jewel was with us but because I was a little shaken up and severely worried about my other four soulmates out there, she thought it may be a good distraction to bring my friends to me.

The whole room was quiet and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife it was that bad. My dad was glaring at each one of my soulmates sitting on the far end of the room on a couch by the window. The poor boys didn't know where to look but either to the floor or up to the ceiling. It was kind of amusing to see but at the same time I guess they kind of deserved it.

Because the room was so quiet, soon enough I could hear Joshua's loud voice coming in closer from the other side of the door until it finally burst open to an already crying Joshua running into the room to my bedside and hugging me tightly.

"Bitch don't you dare leave me with those imbeciles again. They almost killed me!" Joshua

I noticed how Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he too walked inside the room with Daehyun and Bong who were hand in hand but relief written all over their faces to see that I was okay. Jewel stood by the door that she left open as my friends come towards me bed but with Joshua hugging me as tightly as he was I could see the way my soulmates shifted uncomfortably in their seats and judging by their eyes they were trying to not butt in to the moment of being reunited with my friends even if I was only gone for two days.

"I wont do that again Josh, I promise."

I laughed hugging him back until he decided to let me go and pull up a chair to sit on the other side of the bed. My dad finally let go of my hand to stand up and walk over to Jewel who started to whisper to one another but again I seen the way Namjoon perked up to hear them whispering.

"How are you doing Y/n?" Daehyun

"You had us all worried sick you know." Baekhyun

"That's because someone or more like some PEOPLE, took her from school when they shouldn't of and placed her right the nose of that dickhead." Joshua

Jungkook grunted in response to that with glare to match and Jimin sat back in his seat to cross his leg over the other and his arms also over his chest. Namjoon was too busy listening to my dad and Jewel to pay attention to anything else.

"Well I'm back and now I'm okay. I wasn't hurt."

"Yeah because you were lucky, just they they're lucky they are vampires or I would of kicked their butt!" Joshua

He directed the last part to my three soulmates. Namjoon now turned back to listen to what Joshua was saying with a confused frown. This time Jimin let out a low growl but Joshua just shrugged not having a care in the world about it but he leaned in close to me to whisper in my ear.

"It's okay, he loves me really." Joshua

I rolled my eyes and pushed Joshua back which made him laugh, instantly bringing a smile to my face to hear his contagious laughter.

"So Jewel says that the other four soulmates of yours are back at the castle." Bong

I heard him speak from the bottom of my bed, standing very close to Daehyuns side.

"I don't know. I didn't see what happened to them before we got here. Everything happened so fast."

And it did, just coming back here, thinking back on what happened through the woods in took me a few quiet minutes to process what happened.

"They'll be fine Y/n." Namjoon

I looked over to him to see him try and force a smile. I hope they will be, I don't sense that anything is really wrong but at one point Yoongi came to my mind randomly and I swear I heard him scream at one point. I hope he's okay, just like the rest of them.

"Y/n." Dad

My dad turned back around to face me and now Jewel was no longer standing at the door, it's now as if she was never there.


My dad sighed sadly and it made me even more worried in case Jewel told him something that wasn't good news.

"The boys are fine, so don't worry about it. They managed to get Jackson and take him back to the dungeon in the castle. Ren just had Eun and the dark knights go over to deal with him." Dad

Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook suddenly all stood up at the same time making my dad step back in surprise to how fast they unexpectedly stood up.

"What? But we would like to talk to him first before they kill him." Namjoon

"I can think of a few things I would like to do to him first." Jungkook

He growled at the same time and Jimin quietly agreed with a firm nod.

"You cant kill him, not until you're all crowned first and that's only two days away. It cant wait that long the asshole has to die." Dad

My dad growled back at Jungkook and I sat there surprised to hear my dad use such language. He's never been one for cursing. Jungkook looked away, unhappy by what my dad said but he held a cute little pout on the lips.

"We can do other things like just talk to him, that's it." Jimin

My dad just stared at the three in wonder. It was clear my dad was thinking hard about something just staring at my soulmates who only stared back at him. Dad showing no emotion at all until a creepy large grin came upon his face.

"Okay then. You guys can go talk to the scum then." Dad

My dad then stepped to the side away from the door. My soulmates frowning in confusion just to glance at each other first, then to me and then back to my dad.

"Just go you lot, she'll be fine with us. We have bong and Mr Yoo here." Baekhyun

The boys just looked to me for confirmation. I know they want to do more than just talk to Jackson, they want to hurt him real bad if they cant kill him, I can see it in there eyes. I just sighed and nodded, knowing this is what they want to do.

"Just go talk to him them."

With that said all three of them ran out the room and to where I can only assume is back to the castle to have some 'words' with Jackson.

It's no surprise that Jacksons hours of living are very numbered.

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