Chapter 72🌹

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After the emotional ceremony of the deceased parents showing up to witness the day, the seven newly crowned kings had one more thing to do for the day and that was to head to the dungeon to see what was left of Jackson. Today was the day he would be no more.

The seven vampires wouldn't want to miss it and knowing that after the crowning Y/n was guided out the room with Ren and Jeong, they knew she would be perfectly fine and would catch up with her mother just like they knew they would with their own parents. They were told Val and Hanuel would have some sort of surprise for them but didn't think it would be anything like that.

Eun was the only one that walked with them to the dungeon to see the damage that had already been done by the three knight vampires that have been having fun for the last 48 hours, making sure Jackson was to suffer very slowly before he has his sweet release in death from his wounds that the knights refused to let heal.

Before even reaching the dungeon could they hear Jacksons screams which only made them smile to know he was suffering as much as he was. After what he had done to all of them, to their family and most of all their soulmate by using them as the weapons they couldn't wait until he finally died and they were excited to watch. All care and love they had for the man they grew up with had gone out the window and now he was nothing more than a stranger in their eyes. A stranger who was only moments away from dying.

Eun was the first to enter the large yet dark cold room just in time to hear Jackson scream again with Maggie began to slowly carve her way up his leg, from knee to hip. Her large grin told all that she enjoyed it, they had been waiting a very long time for this anyway and now finally they get to end him but only if the seven kings were to give permission which they have but now that they entered the room all is takes it one word from one of them and Jackson will be no more.

Before Eun had left earlier he made sure to find suitable chairs in the room in case the kings wanted to sit down while watching Jackson suffer a little bit more before he dies so they took their seats while Eun all of a sudden decided to also sit this out and just let the girls at it. He's already had his time with Jackson, slicing him up and breaking his bones again and again after they reset themselves. The only thing they hadn't done yet was remove any parts of Jacksons body.

Now that the Kings had entered the room quietly while they observe with large grins, knights paused in their actions to glance at the kings as if asking permission to continue which Namjoon did with a nod and that's all they needed to continue in their work of art as they carve him up.

Sarah-Anne, lowered her hood from her cape, just to turn around to a wooden table filled with different instruments to use on Jackson but her eyes landed in a butcher Knife the big chucky blade was calling her name. She's been waiting for this moment but she smirks when she sees Jackson widen his eyes when he sees it. Fear and panic again rose up within himself and now all he wishes is for death so he wouldn't have to suffer any more than he already has but he knows that the worse is about to happen and it's nothing compared to what he already had to put up with before.

"You know what this is for don't you?" Sarah-Anne

Jackson already knows what they want to do to him, they explained that much in the last 48hours and Jackson could only nod helplessly but eyes not to move from the blade before him.

"Well then prepare yourself then because it's not going to be pleasant, well for you anyway." Sarah-Anne

She bend down towards his fingers, the butcher blade resting on his fingers as she grins at him with her red eyes staring at his face, watching his bite his lip but he continued to stare back at her, pleading eyes but she's not going to listen, none of them will. As far as anyone else is concerned he brought this upon himself.

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