Chapter 70🌹

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As soon as Y/n said we could go and join the others back at the castle, Namjoon, Jungkook and I all left knowing full well that Jaehoon would be more than capable in looking after Y/n. He's a raging bull and I think from now on I'll call him that. I may be a prince but he is scary when he's mad.

Running back to the castle didn't take long and the three of us arrived to the dungeon but Jacksons screams didn't go a miss even when he tried to laugh it off also. I could just roll my eyes at it already.

With the three of us bursting through the double wooden doors did we just so happen to see Jackson chained to a table in the centre with Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung crowded around him. Then in the far corner was Ren and Jeong just watching quietly. Ren was blank, no reaction to seeing Jackson on the table but Jeong however had a wide smirk on his face. He was enjoying this and I'm not surprised by it either.

I was a little confused to why the knights weren't here yet. I thought Ren had sent for them?

"Started the fun without us?" Jungkook

He skipped over to join the others by Jackson. Namjoon glanced over to Ren as I also did when he spoke up from the corner.

"Remember boys, you cant kill him. It's bad enough with the other vampires, just not him." Ren

"Where's the knights then?" Namjoon

"I sent them to go feed before they do anything. They shouldn't be long but when they come back Jackson will have a long painful death." Ren

"Good, that's just what the fucker needed." Taehyung

Jackson grunted and I looked back over to the table, walking over with Namjoon just to see Taehyung punch him in the face, bursting his lip. But then Jackson started to laugh and that pissed me off. Yoongi had a loose set of thick chains in his hands. Obviously they weren't the holy chains like the ones around Jacksons wrists and ankles. Taking the thick chains from Yoongi I used as much strength as I could to hit the man in the table just across the stomach with the metal.


I shouted at him but Jackson screamed and Hoseok stuffed a rag in his mouth to shut him up and kept his own hand over it to muffle his screams.

"No one wants to hear you Jackson." Jin

Grinning to myself I could see the tears form in Jacksons eyes, but from what I've learned about him, I doubt they would be out of regret and such, it most likely is because of the pain. It hurts even more as the fact this man before us was someone we grew up with, thought of as family and yet he betrayed us with his actions. My mother told me that our family took him in as family since he had no one. What kind of repayment is that when all we asked for back was loyalty?

Jackson was squirming in his chains and we just stood there watching him until he finally stopped, breathing heavily through the rag until Hoseok removed it but stayed by his head just in case would have to do that again.

"What are you guys doing? Unchain me and we can talk about this, its just a huge misunderstanding." Jackson

I scoffed and now Namjoon grabbed Jackson by the throat, inching closer to his face. Red eyes boring into Jacksons sharing so much hate for the man that was once our family.

"And what misunderstanding is that? Enlighten us." Namjoon

Jackson stared wide eyed into Namjoon, probably surprised by the way Namjoon spoke to him. Out of the seven of us I would say that Namjoon was the closed to him, especially growing up but now it has come to lit from what Ren and Y/n have told us that Jackson had actually killed Namjoons granddaughter that he had from his first life. Let's just say Namjoon didn't take that too well when Y/n told him that. He didn't show Y/n his distress about that but I seen it, it pained him to hear that so that's even more reason for Namjoon to hate Jackson just like the rest of us.

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