Chapter 56🌹

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"You and I need to have quick chat. Don't you think?" Taehyung

I stared back at Taehyung with fear across my face. He had his hand pressed against my neck so I couldn't say anything to defend myself. I know why he would be here and exactly what he wants to talk about but I cant when he's cutting off my air supply.

I repeatedly tap his hand to get off, trying to talk to him but he does nothing but glare at me with hatred in his eyes. I roll my eyes to the back of my head feeling light headed and then he finally lets go to take a step back from me as I collapse to the floor coughing, gasping for air that my lung can finally receive.

"Why did you do it? They did nothing to you." Taehyung

His voice now came out softer then before and I cleared my throat before pulling myself to stand up from the floor just to glare at him but he just held the eye contact.

"I didn't do it and neither did my friends. We were framed."

He scoffs and begins to pace side to side across the room with his hands behind his back while I just watch him, pressing my back up against the wall, away from him.

"Oh yeah? By who?" Taehyung


He stops in his tracks of pacing and drops his hands to his side, he doesn't move, nor does he say anything. He just glares at me with his red eyes, scanning my face and then my body head to toe like he was in deep thought about something. I did however notice how his eyes widen slightly and then replaced it with a bitter chuckle.

"What makes you say Jackson? Why would he want to do such a thing to frame you or to kill my parents who he has known for so long?" Taehyung

The look of his disbelief was a little insulting so I gathered my courage and quickly walked over to him just to glare up into his own eyes. I could see the look in his eyes, battling within himself to believe me or not. There was also something else there, something I couldn't quite place.

"Look at me and tell me I'm lying."

"You are lying."

I let out a sarcastic laugh which he didn't react to but instead look me up and down my body once more, his eyes softening the longer he stays here in front of me.

"Now look who's really lying here. You and I both know that I'm not lying, right?"

He nods as he looks down at my lower half of my body and down to my feet in his own world but when he realised what he was doing he scoffs at himself and whips his red eyes back to mine.

"You expect me to believe you just like that? Your scarf was left there in our parents room. I seen you wear it before and how else would it of gotten their bedroom?" Taehyung

I sighed to myself, more out of frustration. I grabbed his cheeks forcibly which he tried to protest to but there were tingling feelings upon my touch and it seemed to calm him down. I pulled out faces close to each other forcing him to look me in the eyes.

"Look in to my eyes and tell me if I'm lying. Listen to my heart beat if you have to. I. Didn't. Kill. Your. Parents."

I spoked very slowly to make sure he heard me loud and clear. For a few more seconds he just stared into my eyes in silence as I allowed him to. He didn't show any expression what so ever so I didn't know if he believed me or not.

"Then who?" Taehyung

"I already told you Jackson did. He tried to frame me and my friends because he hates half breeds. He wants them all gone, meaning that he wants vampires and humans to never be in close contact."

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