Chapter 60🌹

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"Y/n what are you going to do?" Daehyun

She finally broke the silence in the room as I had another three pair of eyes staring back at me as I sat on the bed just feeling numb about the current situation. I mean what am I going to do?

I don't know but I'm scared.

"Don't scare her." Joshua

I didn't look at anyone in the room but down at my lap fiddling with an object in my hands that I cant seem to stop looking at. The bed dipped down beside me and an arm was wrapped around my shoulder. I didn't have to look at who it was to know who it was, it was josh.

"I'm not scaring her it's just a question." Daehyun

She sighed heavily from across the room and again more silence came in the room but someone started to make movements towards me and I seen their hand gently rest on my knee as they kneel down in front of me.

"Well we're here. We're friends and we help out our friends." Baekhyun

We just smiled at each. I was grateful for the support, I really was and it helped me a little bit but I'm still of mixed emotions about this.

"Hell yeah. You're stuck with us and who can say no to a cute mini version of Y/n? Not me that's for sure!" Josh

I took a deep breath and rested my head on Joshua's shoulder.

"Or a mini Jungkook or Taehyung or even ji-" Daehyun

She was cut off when Joshua gasps loudly and a little overexaggerated too.

"JIMIN!! A mini Jimin!! Oh my god! That baby will be to die for!! Pinch me I'm dreaming!" Joshua

Baekhyun then reaches over with a glare and pinches Joshua upper thigh, making Joshua squeal and jump back further away.

"OUCH!! YOU BITCH!" Joshua

He was aggressively rubbing his thigh scowling at Baekhyun who just rolls his eyes and stands up to sit on the other side of me.

"The point is you're not alone even if you chose to not tell them." Baekhyun

I nodded but with so much gratitude. I just was trying to grasp all this news. I'm pregnant and I just found out. I didn't think anything of it since I'm on the pill but what surprised me was when I left school, Taehyung was with me as he did stick with me all day and fussing over everything I did. I did also notice Jungkook watching us sometimes too but what shocked me the most was when I was leaving school grounds, Jimin ran over to me and slapped a pregnancy test kit in my hands and walked off without saying anything.

It confused me but that's when Taehyung explained to me after walking me to the car that Ren sent to pick all of us up from school, that I needed to take that. The sincerity in his eyes told me that I needed to so I came home, telling Joshua, Baekhyun and Daehyun about it in the car ride back home and took it.

Now here I am sitting here with a positive pregnancy test and I don't know what to do about it or what to do next.

Bong was here too but he went to go speak to Ren and find my dad also. Oh god what is my dad going to say? I don't want to disappoint him.

I remember Bong mention something about three distinct scents on me, stronger than the others he would normally smell on me after being marked from my soulmates. Also that he noticed a few weeks ago but didn't say anything because he didn't think anything of it apart from the scent getting stronger but said nothing. He didn't feel like it was his place to say. I wish he did tell me though.

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