Chapter 44🌹

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I wiped my tears when I noticed the car pulling up to joshuas street. I didn't want to let him or baek know I was crying because in honesty I don't want to talk about what just happened.

To hear my soulmates talk of me in such a way hurts so much that my heart feels heavy with the pain.

The car pulled infront of the house and I thanked the driver who had said nothing this whole time but would cast sympathetic looks my way through his rear view mirror.

Stepping out the car I made my way to the front door and mid way to knock did the door open itself to reveal Joshua who quickly pulled me in for a hug followed by Baekhyun who wrapped his arms around the two of us for a group hug.

The moment I was comforted by my two best friends I just burst into tears again. I couldn't help it but to feel their love and warmth surround me made me think of my soulmates again.

"Y/n what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Joshua

He started to check my body up and down and I only quietly nodded with sniffle. Both boys exchanged a worrier I look and Baekhyun guided me inside the house.

"My mom and dad are at my aunts house this morning but how about we just go to my room and talk okay?" Baekhyun

I nod again and place down my heels that I have been wearing this whole time, the same shoes that I was wearing last night and thankfully they're not big heels.

Once in the bedroom I sat down on the bed with Joshua right next to me holding my hand and Baekhyun sat in his desk chair just across from me.

"So what happened last night? We were looking everywhere for you." Joshua

He spoke softly as he rubs circles on my back in comfort with his free hand.

"You were looking for me last night?"

I looked at Joshua who nodded slowly with a weak smile on his face.

"Yeah. We looked everywhere for you except we weren't allowed up the stairs. Some weird guy wouldn't let us." Baekhyun

He scowled at something on the floor and Joshua sighs.

"Yeah he was a creep alright. I didn't get good vibes from him. Jackson? I think that's what his name was. Actually he forced us to leave the party early too. It was like he didn't want us there for some reason so we had to come home. Didn't you get my messages?" Joshua

I shook my head looking down at Joshua and i's joined hands. I now realise that I left my phone at the castle but there's no point in going back for it. I think I'll have to buy a new one.

"No. I left my phone in the bedroom."

"Bedroom? I knew it! Someone got lucky last night but which one?" Joshua

I took a deep breath that came out shaky and turned more towards Joshua.

"It was only Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook, but they weren't there when I woke up."

I looked over at Baekhyun who leaned over to place his elbows on his knees and raise a brow.

"They left you the next morning? Did they have a note or something at least?" Baekhyun

I shook my head again and bit my lip that quivered slightly. I noticed how my two best friends exchanged more looks at each other before Joshua decided to speak again.

"At least one was one of them though. Out of all of them I would say those three were the most.....normal out of all of them. Especially Jimin." Joshua

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