Chapter 11🌹

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My dad signed the permission form last night and this morning I handed it in since again it was the first lesson of the day. My two besties also handed it in and we decided that after school we'll go to the park and we'll talk about it some more and Baekhyun wants to make sure I bring clothes that look nice since this Yoo house is suppose to me fancy but I'm not bringing anything special just comfortable clothing. It's not like a real holiday, the Yoo house isn't that far away, I checked last night searching it up on the internet.

I honestly cant wait until we go there, its so great I can hardly play it cool sometimes. In fact I was due to meet up with Joshua and Baekhyun because the bell had rung to signal end of the day and I was packing up my things in my art class. Everyone was in a rush to get home since it's now the weekend but me, I was just taking my time and the teacher already left too making me the sole person left in this class room. I take pride in my work and I wanted to put it away properly and not be rushed. I already had texts on my phone from Joshua asking where I was but I told him I'll be out soon.

I like to paint colourful flowers, some that just come to mind really with their bright colours that all just bring them to life. I placed my canvas to the side of the room nearest the window for sunlight and picked up my bag from where I sat all while admiring my painting. I was rather proud of it to be honest. My phone pinged a text again and I took it out my pocket but the classroom door opens and closes behind me so instead of looking at my phone I turned around to see the person that just walked in.

I almost dropped my phone in surprise to see him walk in here. I've never seen him in any art classes before since he takes music classes instead. I unconsciously stepped back and he sighs sadly to see the affect he has on me and that is to stay away from him, especially after what he did to me last time we were almost alone together. The difference is that Yoongi and Taehyung were there, this time there is no one and that scares me.

"What are you doing in here Namjoon?"

I shifted to stand in front of my painting as I watch his every move like a hawk.

"I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. Just the two of us, I promise I wont touch you. I wont even come near you if that makes you more comfortable." Namjoon

Hell yeah it does. As long as he stays on that side of the room, I think I'll be okay but that doesn't mean I wont put my guard down around him. I'll kick him in his jewels if I have to.

"Okay, fine. You stay there and I'll stay here."

I pointed to him standing by the door and then to where I was stood opposite him. I could tell by his sadden look he didn't like that but tough shit. I don't trust him.

"I just want to apologise. Really I'm sincerely sorry about what I did to your arm. I was honestly just playing around but I didn't realised my own strength and I did that you your arm." Namjoon

He sheepishly points to my arm but avoiding my gaze as I continue to watch him closely.

"What I'm trying to say is I don't expect you to ever forgive me but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't I just wanted to let you know that I really, am sorry for it. I should of even done this long before now but I was just too much of a coward to face you. I just wanted to let you know that none of us will bother you anymore. Well except for Yoongi and Taehyung with their study sessions with you." Namjoon

All I got from that is 'not bother you anymore.'

What does she mean by that?

"By not bother me, do you mean stay away from me, like for good? To not talk to me, or even look at me? Is that what you're saying?"

I don't want him or the others coming near me yet I cant stand the thought of any of them staying fully away from me, for good. It hurts.

"Yes. I think it would be better for you if that's what all of us did. I'm sorry Y/n I truly am about everything." Namjoon

He then turns his back to me and walks to the door. The moment his hand touches the door handle I feel like something was being taken away from me, for good. Something I never had but it was running out of my reach and I so desperately wanted it back. I panicked when the handle turns so I step forward closer to him and shouted.

"NO! STOP!!"

His whole body tenses from the back, his shoulders slightly lifted but doesn't move or open the door.

"Don't go Namjoon."

I spoke more softly and I don't understand my own actions right now but everything inside me was telling me to not let him leave just yet. If he left I would of broken down for reasons I don't understand.

"What?" Namjoon

He whispers turning his side ways so I could see the side of his face as he frowns in confusion to why I would ask him to not go.

"I said don't go."

His shoulder sink and he turns around with furrows brows and a sadden look but more sad than he was before when he apologised.

"Why? It's better if I did go Y/n." Namjoon

I don't want you too.

"I know but I just don't want you too yet and don't ask why, I don't know so don't even bother."

I stood there awkwardly to find myself now fiddling with my fingers when I brought my hand up to my chest with how fast my heart was beating right now. As he was a vampire he would be able to tell straight away and hear how fast it was beating all because of him.

His chuckle brought me back to reality and I looked at him still standing by the door, now with a small smile on his face.

"So are you going on the school trip to the Yoo house?" Namjoon

I felt more at ease that he asked that. It was like he was trying to change the subject to make me feel more comfortable and it was working.....slowly.

"Yeah I'm going. Are you?"

He nods and adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, we're all going. After seeing those pictures how could I not, right?" Namjoon

Not it was my time to nod because I knew what he meant.

"Those pictures were freaky. I mean it's scary to think that once there was people that looked exactly like you from another time and yet we're going to the very house where one of the children of those people still lives in. It's crazy."

I chuckle to myself with a shake of my head, pulling up the strap of my bag from falling from my shoulder just when my phone went off again with another text. What's the bet it's now Baekhyun texting me a paragraph just to simply ask where I am?

"Sure, it's crazy yet very interesting." Namjoon

You can say that again. It is interesting and I cant wait to find out more about them.

"Well Namjoon I'm sorry to say but I have to go. My friends are texting me and they get worried pretty easily."

I looked down at my phone to see their names pop up on the screen.

"That's okay, I understand why they would." Namjoon

He takes a large step to the side to allow me to walk to the door and stay a distance away from him to make myself feel more comfortable and I appreciated him for it.

"Namjoon, thanks for the apology."

I smiled at him lightly when at the same time I opened the door ready to leave. He bows his head to smile at me back which warms me up inside just a little bit just for me to then walk out the classroom to go find my friends that are waiting for me by the school gates.

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