Chapter 45🌹

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I've been so nervous coming to school today to face my soulmates at some point I this school, that I now want to consider my hell hole.

I didn't tell my dad what happened and I don't plan to anytime soon. He's knows I'm upset about something but I just complain that it's stress for up coming exams.

Baek and Joshua insisted they come to school with me but that's nothing really new. Most of the time we come to school together anyway.

Nervous doesn't even begin to describe how bad I feel right now. I was scared to see them in case they tried to kill me since it seems they want me dead. I cling onto my two friends and they walked with me to my locker and then we also walked to there's making sure the three of us were together always.

Class began but thankfully my soulmates decided to skip it and I felt like I could finally breath.

After class was finished there was the next class with was chemistry for me and Baekhyun but Joshua had another class unfortunately but we were going to meet up at lunch time, so it wasn't too bad. I still had Baekhyun with me.

Unfortunately I had Hoseok in my class. He didn't say anything but glare at me from across the room sitting on the opposite side next to the humans while he stays on the vampire side. He kept gritting his teeth at me and had his red glaring eyes in me the whole lesson. I had to ignore the biting feeling in my heart and concentrate as much as I could on the lesson.

Chemistry was over and done with and it was painfully slow but lunch time appeared soon enough and I was very hungry to be honest even if I wasn't up for eating much.

We met up in the cafeteria with Joshua and lined up like we always do. Joshua kept complaining that he has a geography project to work on and his partner is useless. It kind of cheered me up a little bit but that was until someone shoved me hard to the floor on the cafeteria, using my hands to catch myself on the hard surface.

Joshua was quick to pick me up before much people noticed but my hands were stinging from the fall.

"Oops." Jungkook

He shrugged off with a laughing Namjoon beside him, walking past. I only looked down in not only physical pain but emotional pain. How can they find so much pleasure in seeing me suffer?

I even look in the direction to where they're going to see Yoongi have a girl sitting on his lap making out with her aggressively as if he's ready to devour her.

I winced in pain and a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Oi! Dickhead! Watch where you're going!!" Baekhyun

He shouts to Jungkook who stops stiff as a board and in a blink later he was up in Baekhyuns face who didn't look like he was about to back off from Jungkook intimidating stare.

"What was that?" Jungkook

He gritted through his teeth in Baekhyuns face.

"What? Are you deaf now too? I said watch where you're going." Baekhyun

Jungkooks eyes deepens in dark red and his face became paper complexion.

"Jungkook lets just go. We don't need to associate with the trash." Namjoon

Again. That hurt but I turn my face away so Namjoon couldn't see how his words hurt me.

People started to watch and Jungkook aggressively shoves Namjoons hand off his shoulder.

"No. The shit stain needs to be put in his place. Do you realise who you're talking to?" Jungkook

He stepped closer to Baekhyun pushing his chest to baeks. Joshua grabs my hand to pull me back but I stay rooted in place. I'm actually getting scared for Baekhyun now.

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