Chapter 8🌹

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After a month of living with that cast on my arm I finally got it off and now have to wear a sling over my shoulder to support my arm. When Namjoon pulled me up to stand it seems like he snapped my bone like a twig between my wrist and elbow. I don't know how he managed that but if I remember correctly that was where he grabbed me. Either way it was clearly intentional and I've barely seen that boy since. Only in class do I see him and he refuses to look at me, they all do apart from Yoongi and Taehyung.

When Taehyung took me to the hospital that day he stayed with me until my dad showed up. We talked and he deeply apologised for what he did to my eye when I know it was an accident. It was my fault for trying to get involved anyway. But he left because he said he heard my dad enter the hospital on the ground floor shouting at a member of staff about my whereabouts so he quickly left and since then we've been on good terms ever since. He now joins our study sessions with Yoongi and now even Joshua and baekhyun join top. It's now formed into a study group. Those two friends of mine were insistent that after what happened they don't want to leave me alone with any of the vampire again.

As for my dad after what happened to my arm, let's just say I had to convince him to not pull me out of school. It took a lot of convincing but eventually he was okay. Going to work now as well was a hassle but I managed too since Joshua was always on my shifts and helped me a lot and the manager was pretty understanding too which was great. I was so worried I'd lost my first job before it even started.

All has been good this past month other than my arm and I've come to really like school now that I get no hassle, not even a look sent my way from the vampire royals other than two. They ignore me and I ignore them. It still hurts though but it helps when I'm around Yoongi or Taehyung.

I walk into history class ready to show Baekhyun and Joshua my new sling since they haven't even seen it yet and it's the first class of the day.

They are the first two I see on the human side sitting at their own desks that are side by side. My desk is behind joshuas so I skip over to them calling their names and they lit up as they see me.

I ignore the stares I was getting from Namjoon, the first time I've seen him looking at me in a while. The three of us took up conversation and then the teacher comes rushing in telling everyone to take our seats. We do so and Mr Go turns on his computer, types away and asks another student to turn off the lights and turns on the projector. It all happened really fast for some reason but we all remained quiet and curious to our teachers urgency to start the lesson.

Mr Go straighten his suit and clears his throat and stands next to the white board on the wall.

"I'm sorry everyone but I have news. Before I tell you the news I must go over a few history notes first to understand why. Usually I would begin this topic towards the end of senior year but things have changed. So with that said has anyone here heard of the story about the first halfblood queen and the seven kings?" Mr Go

There was a series of yes and a few mumbles. Some in awe because the story is very famous and beautiful and some were curses because of the half blood being mentioned.

"Well I'll go over it once more to refresh some minds here in the class. The half blood queen was known then to be a very kind natured woman, the seven kings had a reputation to be mean, ruthless and yet showed no mercy to anyone thus believed to be a threat, until they met their mate. The eight of them created a bond that no one before or even after has had before. They completed each other." Mr Go

A student put up her hand from my side of the classroom and the teacher paused to look at the girl.

"Yes Daehyun?" Mr Go

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