Chapter 21🌹

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My eyes fluttered open to the light in the room.

Looking up at the ceiling above I can already tell by the swirling patterns of the plaster above, that I'm in the room I share with Daehyun.

I'm not clear on exactly what happened, maybe a little confused. It thought I was going to die out there in those woods, what happened and how did I end up here?

The burning pain shot up throat, it felt dry and tight. I reached up to my throat, cursed mentally so doing such a thing since the pure touch on my neck was painful enough as well as the inside of the throat.

That man certainly did a number on my throat for sure and I don't want to take the chance in trying to speak in case it makes the pain worse.

I slowly sit up on the bed to see Daehyun laying down in hers on my left. She was curled up on her side facing me but sleeping peacefully. But below on the floor between the beds cuddled up with one another and surrounded by extra pillows did I see Joshua and Baekhyun sleeping on the floor also.

Is it night already?

Though now looking out the window did I notice it was indeed dark outside. The sky pitch black with maybe a few stairs here and there and the shadows of the tree out in the garden were there but barely noticeable.

Perhaps I did sleep the rest of the day.

"We'll need to explain things to her when she wakes up."

I heard a voice whisper on the other side of the door. It's sounded like jewel.

"Yes but we need the boys to also explain to her some things also. It would be better hearing it from them. So we can only tell so much."

That was Ren whispering this time. I can just tell.

"When can we tell her about me?"

That's a new voice I haven't heard before or maybe? I think?

"Soon but some things need to be said first before we get to that point. She needs to bond more and heal with her soulmates first." Ren

I have soulmates?
I never thought I would but that sounds really cool.

"Oh man. So what I just introduce myself as some random dude that has been looking for her for years?"

"What? No, we tell her that you're a close friend." Jewel

"He's more than a friend jewel. He's family." Ren

"Aw, I missed you too Rennie!"

"I told you then to stop calling me that. Can we not go through this again?" Ren

"Nope I'm sticking to it. I've gone 56 years of life just waiting for this moment so no."

"You're such a pain. Though I'm glad you're here again. You've been missed." Ren

"Well here's hoping none of us go this time. It's sucks that some of us are in new bodies but still, the souls are the same."

"Boys shush! I think y/n is awake." Jewel

I panicked and laid back down as the door opened to reveal jewel smiling at me. Her eyes widen slightly when she sees my eyes open and looks over shoulder and a man I've never seen before, with a massive red foot print of the side of his left cheek, then pops up over her shoulder and waving.

"Hi!" ??

He whisper yells grinning widely. I wave back to
Him and jewel opens the door wider to come walking in with the stranger following and Ren to also appear in the door and to close it quietly behind him.

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